Woman Decides Not To Pay For Her Daughter To Go On Vacation With Them Because Of Her Constant Disobedience

"She'll have to get out and try living in the real world."

Woman Decides Not To Pay For Her Daughter To Go On Vacation With Them Because Of Her Constant Disobedience

A rebellious child could act against your preferences and show defiance to obtain control of a circumstance. Parents of numerous kids and teenagers frequently struggle with defiance.

However, managing a child's emotions as they develop is challenging. Most kids occasionally disobey their parents' desires.

Growing up involves putting adult rules and expectations to the test. It is one way for kids to get to know and understand themselves, to express their uniqueness, and to develop a sense of autonomy.

They learn the limits of their parents' expectations and of their own self-control as they spread their independent wings and get into small arguments with them. However, sometimes these disagreements between parents and kids go beyond passing irritations and take on a pattern.

The OP has five kids with her husband, and her oldest is having issues. The 20-year-old works at the post office 12 hours per week, but besides that, she doesn't have any commitments.

But every time the OP asks her to do something minor, she ends up not doing it. They are planning a family vacation, and the OP told her oldest that they will not be paying for her to go on this vacation if she keeps up this behavior.

Keep scrolling to read everything that transpired.  

Here is the headline

Here is the headlineReddit/familyvacationpost

The OP's oldest child is currently taking 2 dance classes, which are both online and take approximately an hour per week combined

The OP's oldest child is currently taking 2 dance classes, which are both online and take approximately an hour per week combinedReddit/familyvacationpost

They haven't been on a family vacation in years so they're spending 2 weeks at an all inclusive resort in Mexico

They haven't been on a family vacation in years so they're spending 2 weeks at an all inclusive resort in MexicoReddit/familyvacationpost

The OP asked her to take the trash out, walk the dog, and pick the younger three from school and she didn't any

The OP asked her to take the trash out, walk the dog, and pick the younger three from school and she didn't anyReddit/familyvacationpost

The OP had to tell her oldest that they will not be paying for her to go on this vacation and if she keeps up with her behavior

The OP had to tell her oldest that they will not be paying for her to go on this vacation and if she keeps up with her behaviorReddit/familyvacationpost

Redditors trooped to the comments section to drop their replies and we've gathered some of the most upvoted ones for you to enjoy

Redditors trooped to the comments section to drop their replies and we've gathered some of the most upvoted ones for you to enjoyReddit/familyvacationpost

The OP needs to acknowledge any mental issues her daughter might have

The OP needs to acknowledge any mental issues her daughter might haveReddit/familyvacationpost

This Redditor wants to know how long the OP's daughter has had ADHD

This Redditor wants to know how long the OP's daughter has had ADHDReddit/familyvacationpost

This Redditor is advising the OP on how she should have presented the consequences to her daughter

This Redditor is advising the OP on how she should have presented the consequences to her daughterReddit/familyvacationpost

The OP's daughter has no business using her disability as an excuse

The OP's daughter has no business using her disability as an excuseReddit/familyvacationpost

This Redditor believes the OP's daughter's attitude didn't just happen over night

This Redditor believes the OP's daughter's attitude didn't just happen over nightReddit/familyvacationpost

The fact is that some people cannot function without medication

The fact is that some people cannot function without medicationReddit/familyvacationpost

She's still living at home so there has to be some kind of enablement

She's still living at home so there has to be some kind of enablementReddit/familyvacationpost

There are numerous reasons why people disobey orders. It occasionally results from irrational parental expectations.

Additionally, it could be brought on by the child's temperament, issues at school, stress at home, or disagreements between his parents. The OP was declared not the AH, and you too, can drop your thoughts about this post in the comments below.
