Customers Have To Eat Food With Their Hands At Chilis After Not Being Given Silverware

Turns out that not having silverware ready for new guests is a problem many of us didn't know existed.

Customers Have To Eat Food With Their Hands At Chilis After Not Being Given Silverware

We're here to share another viral TikTok that seemed to get so much attention that we just had to mention it in today's article, especially after seeing how many comments and responses it got on it. If you've never seen this video, then you're in for a treat when you find out what happened.

So, before we get into this, we just want to say that the video itself shows the girls at Chilis, but before you get to the comments, you might think this was a terrible situation for them to be in, and it was, but it turns out that it's not that uncommon. So, without further ado, we want to discuss this viral TikTok video.

The TikToker's name was Kate, and she basically came to TIkTok because she said that her server gave her no silverware with her dish. The serves response definitely was that she didn't know where it was because they were running low.

So if you want to see this video and find out what people had to say, then stay tuned as we show the original TikTok and the responses that she got on it from other servers. With that being said, let's go ahead and dive into this.

Here's the original TikTok made by Kate herself explaining the situation and the responses she got from the server.

The video shows her and then a text overlay that says, “When you ask your waiter for silverware and they respond with ‘uh I’m not sure where it is we’re running low and then walks off.”

She then continues with, “It’s okay we will just [dig] in with our fingers – nothing can stop us.”

@kateaylm it’s okay we will just ding in with our fingers - nothing can stop us @Chili’s Grill & Bar #fyp #trishapaytas #queen #njoy #shouldweuseourtoes #fingerfood #brokeafvenmome #dineanddash? ♬ Cartoon Eye Blinking Sound - Anna

After seeing some of the comments it turns out that this isn't as uncommon as many other people might think it is.

After seeing some of the comments it turns out that this isn't as uncommon as many other people might think it is.@kateaylm

Then people continued commenting about how this is common and many times they just try to get the silverware from wherever they can.

Then people continued commenting about how this is common and many times they just try to get the silverware from wherever they can.@kateaylm

People then came to the comments to talk about how they usually solve this issue.

People then came to the comments to talk about how they usually solve this issue.@kateaylm

Most of them are saying that plastic silverware is usually what they decide to give customers if they don't have any actual silverware ready.

Most of them are saying that plastic silverware is usually what they decide to give customers if they don't have any actual silverware ready.@kateaylm

I can bet that this does happen because I think I accidentally throw away silverware in my own home too, so definitely at a place of business.

I can bet that this does happen because I think I accidentally throw away silverware in my own home too, so definitely at a place of business.@kateaylm

It seems that this is just not as uncommon as many people might think it is. However, I don't know if that makes us feel better about the situation or not.

It seems that this is just not as uncommon as many people might think it is. However, I don't know if that makes us feel better about the situation or not.@kateaylm

After seeing the video and reading the comments it's seen that Kate wasn't exactly made about it and also many people commented on it sharing that this happens in a lot of cases. However, it seems that the server could have done a lot more to get them what they needed such as giving them plastic silverware to eat with.

Regardless, they probably shouldn't have been eating with just their hands though but we're glad they weren't mad about it.
