Father Decides To Keep His Personal Life Private At Work, But His Coworkers Think He's Wrong For Not Sharing His Daughter With Them

Some of us prefer to keep our personal lives separate from our work, and others like to share it all.

Father Decides To Keep His Personal Life Private At Work, But His Coworkers Think He's Wrong For Not Sharing His Daughter With Them

Today we're going over yet another AITA post that was submitted on Reddit. We usually love looking into these posts because it's fun to see what people's opinions are and what they said about the post.

Usually, we love picking scenarios that we know a lot of people can relate to or would want to explain their opinion on the scenario. This one, in particular, we thought might have a lot of different perspectives because we feel that some people will agree with OP and some will agree with his coworkers.

So, this story is about a dad who came to Reddit to ask if he's TA for not telling his coworkers about his daughter. Now, ultimately people can tell their coworkers, friends, or even family whatever they want because it's their life.

However, this man's coworkers seemed very upset that they were unable to celebrate and know about his 7-month-old daughter. The verdict ended up being exactly what we thought, but it was still fun to go through this and see if anyone did think he was TA.

Overall, it's just not necessary to tell everyone everything, and so keeping things private definitely is great for some people. If you want to know more about this story and what people had to say.

OP starts off the post with explaining his job and the relationship he likes to maintain with his coworkers.

OP starts off the post with explaining his job and the relationship he likes to maintain with his coworkers.IllNefariousness8733

He then explains that he wanted to keep the birth of his daughter from them.

He then explains that he wanted to keep the birth of his daughter from them.IllNefariousness8733

However, a woman saw the photo and asked him questions about his baby.

However, a woman saw the photo and asked him questions about his baby.IllNefariousness8733

It clearly seems like OP doesn't want to tell his coworkers about his baby at all, but his coworker feels like he should.

It clearly seems like OP doesn't want to tell his coworkers about his baby at all, but his coworker feels like he should.IllNefariousness8733

This person definitely said that he's NTA for feeling this way and whatever he wants to tell his coworkers is up to him.

This person definitely said that he's NTA for feeling this way and whatever he wants to tell his coworkers is up to him.boringbutkewt

This person said that their coworkers even call them by the wrong name and they don't even correct them because they prefer for the coworkers not to know their actual name.

This person said that their coworkers even call them by the wrong name and they don't even correct them because they prefer for the coworkers not to know their actual name.thatsapaddlin2006

This comment asked a question that we all were thinking, well until he added an edit to explain that he was the father of said baby.

This comment asked a question that we all were thinking, well until he added an edit to explain that he was the father of said baby.MutantsAtTableNine

Exactly and if they are pushing him to tell information then in my opinion they are just nosey.

Exactly and if they are pushing him to tell information then in my opinion they are just nosey.i_know_nothing123

This person definitely said it well in saying that no matter their intentions he is still not required to tell them anything.

This person definitely said it well in saying that no matter their intentions he is still not required to tell them anything.majolie1970

He has no obligation at all to share his personal life with his coworkers.

He has no obligation at all to share his personal life with his coworkers.Llkjh2501

Some people just prefer to keep their personal life private from their coworkers and this is completely acceptable.

Some people just prefer to keep their personal life private from their coworkers and this is completely acceptable.dragonchilde

Honestly the coworkers should respect his decision not to tell people about his personal life.

Honestly the coworkers should respect his decision not to tell people about his personal life.GobClob

It's incredibly weird and I don't really get why she'd take it personally, expect him to tell everyone, or be frustrated that he didn't tell anyone.

It's incredibly weird and I don't really get why she'd take it personally, expect him to tell everyone, or be frustrated that he didn't tell anyone.Jezabel8708

This is one AITA post that had a lot of the same types of comments, and people agreed that the verdict would be he's NTA. It also was agreed that he doesn't have to tell anyone anything and if he wants to keep his personal life private, then so be it.

What is your opinion on this situation?
