People Who Do Not Have Kids Have A Lot Of Sassy Things To Say About It And Their Equally Fulfilling Life
There sure are some benefits to remaining child-free

Gender expectations are changing, and people are feeling less and less pressured into having children. Where once there was a huge push and almost a demand that everyone would choose to reproduce and carry on the family name (or whatever it is that they wanted!) luckily now things are starting to change.
Loads of people are choosing not to have children. Their reasons may vary, for example money, career, not having met the right person, not feeling secure or stable, fear of climate change or other political instability, or simply not wanting them--all of these reasons are good and valid.
Check out these tweets from people who don’t have kids—and honestly, good for them!
Hadn't considered this before, but it is a super good point.

"Family" comes in all shapes and sizes

Different priorities!


... fair!

This is a real money hack!


And if you do have kids... make sure you're going to love them just the way they are

An excellent use for these stickers!

Is this a fair equivalence? (yes)


Babies, famously not a big commitment.

Good marketing!

Definite benefits to being childfree in the pandemic...

Double whammy

HAHA hopefully

Aren't tapeworms and foetus' technically similar?

And there it is!

"Why don't you want kids?" "I value sleep"

Real pic of me

Tears all around!


A true blessing!




They do this in Sims, is this not a real-life thing too??

Could be anywhere in between!

Or, I might not!

Families don't have to have kids to be a family...

Forreal though, what is the correct response?

Brb ordering a trampoline

A dream

Valuable PSA


The language here is important!!

Good plan

Second option definitely

Same benefits, lower cost.

Always been my life goal


Ah, a time traveller....

Fun fact: human babies are useless when they are born because they haven't technically finished developing but human bodies can't hold them for any longer

Serves a family, or serves me (spoiler: they're the same thing!)

Traditions, amirite?!

They'll need it

Permanent excuse

What do you think about this? People who don't have kids have just as fulfilling lives... with a lot more free time!
Share your thoughts in the comments.
