College Student Texts His Mother About How She Survived Her Own College Experience Without E-mail, The Internet & Smart Phones

These text messages will have you in hysterics when you see how GenZ struggles to comprehend a world without the internet at their fingertips.

  • Published in Funny
College Student Texts His Mother About How She Survived Her Own College Experience Without E-mail, The Internet & Smart Phones

Have you ever wondered how the heck your parents survived without the creature comforts you're used to today? I'm 30 years old and I grew up in Western Australia, one of the hottest places in the world.

For me, I am shocked my parents ever survived without air-conditioning in their homes and in their cars. I just don't know how the hell they did it.

For others, it's comprehending how their parents had to listen to music - on records or tapes - or just off the radio - rather than having an Apple Music library at their fingertips.

For the guy below, it's how his mother survived college without email. Check out their hilarious text message exchange below.

He began his text:

He began his text:

His mother explained you had to actually walk over to the room...

His mother explained you had to actually walk over to the room...

... and use a pen...

... and use a pen...

... or look out for a noticeboard...

... or look out for a noticeboard...

... and then some more walking...

... and then some more walking...

and even *horror* use the phone!

and even *horror* use the phone!

Kathy also shared this cute vintage snap of her in college!

Kathy also shared this cute vintage snap of her in college! kathy.torrence