Woman Hosts Afternoon Birthday Party, Friends Become Clearly Disappointed When They Discover Alcohol Isn't Included

Some of her friends were even angry that she didn't tell them her party won't have alcohol.

Woman Hosts Afternoon Birthday Party, Friends Become Clearly Disappointed When They Discover Alcohol Isn't Included

Is alcohol always necessary during parties? This question will always pop up when a host is preparing for a celebration.

But the truth is, alcohol isn't required for people to have a good time at a party. The host can think of multiple ways to entertain guests and make it a memorable gathering.

There's beauty to a party that doesn't involve alcohol. Without its numbing effects, guests can have more meaningful conversations with the host and laugh more genuinely.

And let's not forget that alcohol can sometimes start conflicts. And without it, the host doesn't have to deal with the intoxicated guest's rude, inappropriate, or offensive behavior.

Ultimately, it's the decision of the host whether or not they'll involve alcohol in the party. And if the guests insist, they can always bring their own drinks.

A woman decided to be judged on the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit for not telling her friends that her birthday party doesn't involve alcohol. It makes perfect sense since the celebration happens in the afternoon.

You wouldn't expect those beverages if the party is held from 12 PM to 5 PM. But when her guests arrived, they were disappointed that she only prepared cake, some snacks, and soda.

It surprised the original poster (OP) that her friends were upset, with some even angry, at the absence of alcohol.

A woman hosted a party for her birthday, but her friends got upset over the absence of alcohol.

A woman hosted a party for her birthday, but her friends got upset over the absence of alcohol.Reddit

It was unusual of her to celebrate her birthday, but she decided to hold one and invite her friends anyway.

It was unusual of her to celebrate her birthday, but she decided to hold one and invite her friends anyway.Reddit

The OP admits that she doesn't drink. So serving alcohol never crossed her mind.

The OP admits that she doesn't drink. So serving alcohol never crossed her mind.Reddit

The community took the OP's side, with some believing that alcohol is only typical during family get togethers.

The community took the OP's side, with some believing that alcohol is only typical during family get togethers.Reddit

A user thinks that the OP should've allowed and told her friends that they can bring alcohol with them.

A user thinks that the OP should've allowed and told her friends that they can bring alcohol with them.Reddit

If her friends wanted expected to be served alcohol, they could've just brought some themselves.

If her friends wanted expected to be served alcohol, they could've just brought some themselves.Reddit

Some people find it odd that the friends didn't contribute anything to the party. But then, these users don't know where the OP and her friends are from.

Some people find it odd that the friends didn't contribute anything to the party. But then, these users don't know where the OP and her friends are from.Reddit

Even if the OP failed to tell her friends that she won't serve alcohol, her friends were still rude.

Even if the OP failed to tell her friends that she won't serve alcohol, her friends were still rude.Reddit

The OP's friend could've just grabbed a few drinks from the store. But all they did was complain.

The OP's friend could've just grabbed a few drinks from the store. But all they did was complain.Reddit

These "adults" threw a tantrum because they weren't served booze. Yikes!

Can't they just be happy for the OP on her special day?

These Reddit

Why would they expect a person who doesn't drink to serve alcohol?

Why would they expect a person who doesn't drink to serve alcohol?Reddit

Imagine being in the OP's situation. You baked yourself a cake and prepped food and drinks so you can celebrate this special day with friends.

Then they arrive only to complain that you have no booze. Can you really call these people your friends?

The OP did nothing wrong. But since she has such entitled friends, it might be best to tell these people that alcohol won't be involved next time she hosts a celebration.

Or maybe it's even better that she doesn't throw a party at all!
