35 Instances The Nice Guys Revealed Their True Colors

We look at what lies beneath the surface of a self-proclaimed "nice guy."

35 Instances The Nice Guys Revealed Their True Colors

According to Urban Dictionary, there are two types of nice guys. One type is the genuinely nice person who treats everyone right regardless of who they are.

And the other type? Unfortunately, they're only self-proclaimed.

These people are boys pretending to be men. On the surface, they're pretending to be good people.

But beneath that manchild is someone who has ulterior motives. A guy like this believes that everybody owes him once he behaves in a specific manner.

He doesn't clearly state what he wants at the beginning. And if he doesn't get what they're trying to achieve, they get mad.

They may tone down their personalities in real life to avoid complications. But they do become monsters once they get online.

And the worst part? They go after women online in all ways possible, even using every platform available to them.

They're so weak that a single rejection can shatter their ego into pieces. That's why use their nice guy tactics.

And if you're curious about how they behave online, you just came to the right post. The compilation we're looking at today can help you detect those self-proclaimed nice guys.

In fact, a community, which is a subreddit called r/NiceGuys, is solely dedicated to observing their existence. Let's take a look.

1. The unreasonable things that nice guys expect.

1. The unreasonable things that nice guys expect.Fluid_Kxng119

2. Sad but true

2. Sad but trueprofessorearl

3. He'll never get a girlfriend.

3. He'll never get a girlfriend.westcoastcdn

4. Literally what nice guys do

4. Literally what nice guys dochiky_nuggies

5. A nice guy of the past

5. A nice guy of the pasttarafitzwriter

6. A very creepy nice guy who preys on minors

6. A very creepy nice guy who preys on minorstikitakidoggo

7. By no one's mom

7. By no one's momzinasbear

8. His entitlement will make you shake your head

8. His entitlement will make you shake your headboopyouonthenose

9. Yikes!

9. Yikes!sorelymean755

10. A great shut down

10. A great shut downmightypenguin18

11. They think it's a stamp card.

11. They think it's a stamp card.Flora112233

12. He thinks women owe him.

12. He thinks women owe him.ayegurlwyd

13. Everyone! Don't help this guy out!

13. Everyone! Don't help this guy out!alexpete

14. A woman told her friend she isn't interested in this guy. Why? Well, this convo explains a lot.

14. A woman told her friend she isn't interested in this guy. Why? Well, this convo explains a lot.shlebby

15. He's the one who doesn't get it. Agree?

15. He's the one who doesn't get it. Agree?OrchidGuilty7105

16. He needs to stop.

16. He needs to stop.CleCatLady

17. This guy's only reason to convert to Islam. And yes, if he was mature enough, he doesn't need to go through a conversion.

17. This guy's only reason to convert to Islam. And yes, if he was mature enough, he doesn't need to go through a conversion.6062hra

18. F**kzoned

18. F**kzonedngomhleliv4

19. This nice guy finds out that this person's cousin was sexually assaulted.

Now, he wants her number. Look at all that creepiness.

19. This nice guy finds out that this person's cousin was sexually assaulted. I_brutally_honest_

20. One comment ruined such a great story.

20. One comment ruined such a great story.billnyetherussiansoy

21. Sometimes, it's better not to post such photos. Otherwise you'd be attracting the "nice guys."

21. Sometimes, it's better not to post such photos. Otherwise you'd be attracting the deleted

22. This man is disappointed about his friend who refuses to sleep with him

22. This man is disappointed about his friend who refuses to sleep with himPatientDoor4996

23. Cringey.

23. Cringey.jesibeII

24. Women will be thankful he's done.

24. Women will be thankful he's done.DaddyPhatSaxxs

25. Yeah, you're a nice guy. The kind that women don't want.

25. Yeah, you're a nice guy. The kind that women don't want.BelleLuciole

26. The title says it all

26. The title says it allweirdo0808

27. So it's women's fault now?

27. So it's women's fault now?LiteraryFroggy

28. This woman kept blocking the guy, but he constantly gets in touch using different numbers.

28. This woman kept blocking the guy, but he constantly gets in touch using different numbers.hamsterpopcorn

29. Such a relief that he stopped responding

29. Such a relief that he stopped respondingmoog-boog

30. A redditor saw this post by The Hard Times and shared it on the subreddit.

30. A redditor saw this post by The Hard Times and shared it on the subreddit.sincewedidthedo

31. A nice guy and a sex offender? Nope!

31. A nice guy and a sex offender? Nope!Owl_says_Kira

32. The sad reality

32. The sad realitySamGamgE

33. That's a red flag right there.

33. That's a red flag right there.MattS213

34. Bravo for realizing you're one!

34. Bravo for realizing you're one! Post_reviewer_

35. This nice guy is probably the one who'll eventually abuse his girlfriend.

35. This nice guy is probably the one who'll eventually abuse his girlfriend. SaraAnnabelle

What a nice guy really is:

According to an expert, these nice guys, especially those who feel that they're less attractive, try to compensate by displaying nice behavior. However, what they do is go over the top.

They will use every tool they have (money, for example) to get what they want. And if they don't get the attention they feel they deserve, that's when they start showing who they really are.
