40 Moments That Prove "Nice Guys" Aren't Actually Nice At All
Oops, the true colors have shown! But if you ask enough women they'll let you know those true colors always show when these "nice guys" don't immediately get their way.
If there's one thing that women should know in the dating scene, it's that self-proclaimed "nice" guys are probably not nice at all. There are actually two kinds of "nice guys" here, ones that are actually nice and kind and are decent human beings; and those who insist they are nice and attribute that to their personalities, but in reality, they are actually douchebags who always seem to play the victim card every time things don't go their way.
If you're a woman, you have probably encountered a guy saying or even just implying that "nice guys never win" either in person or online, trying to win you with pity, but they are not aware that they just look pathetic and spineless when they do it. No offense to the actual nice guys, though, but the former kind just seems to be rampant in our society nowadays.
Most of them like to turn off this kind of personality in real life though, and spend most of their time wallowing in the mud of being a "nice guy" online. They are safe and hidden behind screens, and they feel unthreatened to play this card because they won't have to deal with in-person confrontations when they do it online instead.
They like to go after women on different social media platforms, but we all know most women nowadays are not ones to back down whenever a man they aren't even close with that well starts acting up. Pseudo-nice guys are the ones with egos that easily get hurt when a woman puts them in place.
There's even a place in Reddit for them called r/NiceGuys, where people come together and collect photos of so-called "nice guys" to raise awareness should anyone would come across them in the vast world of the Internet. Take a look at some of the best posts in this subreddit below!
1. Actually, yes, with an attitude like that, you aren't worthy of a simple hello
34. "This ‘nice guy’ claimed he'd never pmed a girl this way before & that he meant no offence but his attitude changed dramatically after i forwarded a screenshot to his wife..."
Some of these may or may have not triggered your fight or flight response but either way, there's a common denominator with all these self-proclaimed nice guys: they are a bunch of douchebags. If you're a guy reading this, hopefully, you aren't one of them (or if you think you are, there's still room for character development).
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