New Dad Made To Feel Guilty For Leaving The Room Straight After His Baby Was Born Because He Needed To Throw Up

As soon as the baby arrived and started to cry, the OP made a quick exit.

New Dad Made To Feel Guilty For Leaving The Room Straight After His Baby Was Born Because He Needed To Throw Up

The birth of a new baby is a blissful (and highly emotional) event. And no one is on more of a high than the proud new parents.

But sometimes, those emotions can turn into nerves, especially for a brand-new father. Just ask Reddit user u/leoleeleel, who recently shared a story in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit about how his body reacted drastically when his new baby was being born.

The 22-year-old explained that he and his girlfriend had welcomed their first baby boy. He said he is "beyond happy and grateful" for their little blessing.

The OP went on to say how incredible his girlfriend is and that she will be an "amazing mom." The doting dad expressed how he intends to be there for his girlfriend and their child as it is his “duty.”

The OP says he was in the delivery room when the baby was born, however, he began feeling unwell when his partner was giving birth. He tried doing some breathing exercises and looking away, but it didn’t help.

So, as soon as the baby arrived and started to cry, the OP made a quick exit. And, as it turns out, it was just in time because he needed to throw up as soon as he got to the bathroom.

The proud new father went back to his partner and baby as soon as he was done, but his girlfriend was visibly upset. She ignored him for a while before mentioning that she was disappointed that he couldn’t have at least waited to hold the baby first.

The Redditor says the whole family sided with his girlfriend and made him feel guilty even though he apologized. The OP was embarrassed because it seemed to be all everyone was talking about.

To make things worse, the OP says this is not a new thing and that he often gets sick at inappropriate times. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.

The OP shared a story about how his body reacted drastically when his new baby was being born.

The OP shared a story about how his body reacted drastically when his new baby was being born.Reddit/leoleeleel

The OP says he was in the delivery room when the baby was born, however, he began feeling unwell when his partner was giving birth.

The OP says he was in the delivery room when the baby was born, however, he began feeling unwell when his partner was giving birth.Reddit/leoleeleel

To make things worse, the OP says this is not a new thing and that he often gets sick at inappropriate times.

To make things worse, the OP says this is not a new thing and that he often gets sick at inappropriate times.Reddit/leoleeleel

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/Remarkable-Ad3665

"Leaving was more considerate."


"Wait til everyone is more rested and then talk to her."


"Excusing yourself was the best move."


"You didn't do it on purpose."


"You'll both laugh about it in the future."


"Guess they would have been happy if you had vomited all over the newborn."


"You did the most polite thing you could do."




"Her hormones are all over, so support her and let her be upset."


"You might just have to suck it up."


"You did what you had to do."


"Have you seen a doctor?"


"You were about to give the staff another patient."


"Tell them Reddit said stop being AH's."


"Talk to one of the nurses."


"You can't control how your body reacts."


What’s your take on this situation? Do you think the OP was wrong for leaving the room at such a special moment, or should his girlfriend be more understanding of how he was feeling?

We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
