Dog Wakes Up In Vet Clinic, Realises He's Been Neutered, Then Proceeds To Destroy The Place

He did not like what they'd done to him at all.

Dog Wakes Up In Vet Clinic, Realises He's Been Neutered, Then Proceeds To Destroy The Place

Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do, but sometimes you just have to go through with it for your own good since it's the right thing to do. When you're a dog, things are not as simple as that, especially when it comes to parting ways with things you have been used to having your whole life.

LeLo was recently taken to ClíniCão, a veterinary clinic in Brazil but had no idea why his parents took him there. He would have attempted to leave his family if he had known what they had planned for him.

Soon enough, LeLo knew exactly why they brought him there, and he was not happy with it. He had been brought in to be neutered, which is a routine surgery that has many benefits for dogs as individuals and for the whole dog population in general.

It was an unpleasant surprise to Lelo because after finally waking up from anesthesia, he discovered what went wrong (or what meant missing). Moments after that, LeLo escaped from his kennel and started trashing the place since there was no one to stop him.

Despite all the mess, LeLo made and the clean up that followed the destruction, Possari didn't hold it against the poor dog

LeLo did not appreciate what they'd done to him after waking up in the vet clinic.

“I think he was upset about the whole situation,” Jéssica Possari, LeLo’s vet, told The Dodo.

“I think he was upset about the whole situation,” Jéssica Possari, LeLo’s vet, told The Dodo.JÉSSICA POSSARI

As soon as he realized what went missing, he went on a destructive rampage.

“[Seeing the mess he made] was startling. It was just amazing that a dog had done all that.”

“[Seeing the mess he made] was startling. It was just amazing that a dog had done all that.”JÉSSICA POSSARI

Thankfully, LeLo didn't hurt himself during his little destructive outburst. He eventually came to terms with the fact that he's neutered.

“He is doing very well, free to run around again,” Possari said, adding that they’ll keep a closer eye on him during his next visit: “His personality is very calm and affectionate in front of us, but he can be pretty mischievous behind our backs.”

LeLo did not appreciate that his parents decided to get rid of something that belongs to him without even consulting with him first. His outburst is his way of showing his parents and everyone else that he did not appreciate what they have done to him, which is completely understandable.

Spraying and neutering have many benefits for your dog. In case you didn't know the difference between them, spaying is for females, and neutering is for males.

Both of them are quite important; they are surgical sterilization procedures that prevent your dog from reproducing and help, in turn, reduce the dog population and prevent overpopulation. One of the other benefits is that it can also add years to your dog's lifespan.

“Spaying prevents pyometra, a common, life-threatening uterus infection of unspayed female dogs,” veterinarian at Animal Medical Center in New York City, Dr. Ann Hohenhaus, told The Dodo.

Neutering also reduces bad behavior; unneutered dogs are more likely to become aggressive in the future in addition to other dominance-related behaviors.
