Online Community Is Cracking Up Over How A Redditor Dealt With His Son's Roommate Who Feels Entitled To His Family's Netflix Account

He calls the roommate a Netflix freeloader.

Online Community Is Cracking Up Over How A Redditor Dealt With His Son's Roommate Who Feels Entitled To His Family's Netflix Account

Some people act as if the people around them owe them. They'll never be satisfied until their expectations are met.

Entitled people — you never want to deal with this kind of people because they can drain your energy and create a toxic environment. Interactions with such individuals often feel like a one-sided transaction, where they demand constant attention, favors, or validation without offering anything in return.

Sure you want to be helpful to others. But at the same time, we also have to be careful dealing with these people not only who have unrealistic expectations but also tend to be manipulative.

Unfortunately, we can't choose the people we encounter day by day. So if you encounter an entitled individual, recognize the sense of entitlement and assertively communicate your boundaries.

Let them know what you are willing and able to provide, and make it clear when their expectations are unreasonable. This establishes a level of control over the situation and prevents their demands from becoming overwhelming.

How a Redditor responded to a choosing beggar is among the great examples of dealing with an entitled person. He shares a screenshot of his convo with his son's roommate, who feels entitled to his family's Netflix account.

He was straight to the point and was never rude in their convo through text. He did correct the guy's grammar, though!

"My son failed to inform me that his ex-roommate was a Netflix freeloader."


The original poster (OP) correcting the roommate's grammar was such a clever response.

We just hope that the "F*** you," was the last message from this entitled guy.

The original poster (OP) correcting the roommate's grammar was such a clever response.Reddit

It's funny how the guy, who's a complete stranger to the OP, thought he could still get the password.

It's funny how the guy, who's a complete stranger to the OP, thought he could still get the password.Reddit

It makes you wonder how this choosing beggar would react if the OP responded with spoilers.

It makes you wonder how this choosing beggar would react if the OP responded with spoilers.Reddit

The wife is too kind. Fortunately, the wife's cousin wasn't as entitled as the OP's roommate.

The wife is too kind. Fortunately, the wife's cousin wasn't as entitled as the OP's roommate.Reddit

Users poking fun at the roommate's attempt to watch the rest of Altered Carbon.

Users poking fun at the roommate's attempt to watch the rest of Altered Carbon.Reddit

Would he have been successful if the guy didn't swear and pretended to be a gal instead?

Would he have been successful if the guy didn't swear and pretended to be a gal instead?Reddit

The OP explains how the roommate got his number.

The OP explains how the roommate got his number.Reddit

Apparently, there are so many Netflix freeloaders out there.

This user has the same experience as the OP.

Apparently, there are so many Netflix freeloaders out there.Reddit

A simple solution would be to pay for his own Netflix account. But the roommate's entitlement got the better of him.

It's crazy how entitled people can get. Imagine getting a text from a stranger all because they want to get your password and finish the series they're watching.

A simple solution would be to pay for his own Netflix account. But the roommate's entitlement got the better of him.Reddit

Nowadays, people don't have to worry about freeloaders because of Netflix's crackdown on password sharing. And since people can only share within a household, he won't have to worry about his son's entitled roommates again.

So, if you come across entitled people like this, the OP's tactic is the perfect way to deal with them. He's assertive and straightforward yet polite.

And if they pull the rude card on you, remind them that manners are free, but Netflix isn't.
