Man Cuts His Brother Off After Finding Him In Bed With His Girlfriend, Refuses To Get His Nephew Something For Christmas
"I got a call from my brother who was crying and yelling"
- Published in Interesting
Gift-giving at Christmas has a lengthy history, much like many other well-known customs. The act of gathering, preparing, and giving something valuable to friends and family is a gesture that has been honored by people all over the world in celebration of the festive season for thousands of years despite shifting trends and tastes in gifts.
Present-giving is a major tradition on Christmas Day these days, with many families spending a lot of time engaging in it. Receiving presents is frequently the highlight of the holiday season for kids—and sometimes even adults.
The OP gave her parents Christmas gifts since they couldn’t travel and decided to buy his girlfriend's family some things but didn't get anything for his nephew. The reason is that the OP once dated his nephew's mom.
During their 3rd anniversary, he was running around planning things, and when he came home, she was in bed with his brother. The OP was obviously devastated, and they both didn’t think they did anything wrong.
They broke up, and she moved in with him. After months of dating, she got pregnant with their son.
The OP met his now-girlfriend at work, and they hit it off great, as she made him happy again. The OP got a call from his parents, who informed him that his ex had passed, and they were wondering if his brother could spend Christmas with him.
Of course, the OP declined, and you can read the full story below.
OP writes
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_OP was obviously devastated and they both didn’t think they did anything wrong
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_OP's brother spent all of his money keeping them afloat and the least he could do is buy him something
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
I might be an ah because although it isn’t my fault they are struggling my nephew is still innocent
Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the story
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_OP doesn't need to have contact with the nephew
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_Losing a spouse is devastating
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_They should host their own celebration and his parents can look after their son and grandkid
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_It's not the OP's responsibility to pick up the pieces if he isn't in a place to
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_The OP should enjoy his holiday with whoever makes him happy
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_The kid is young enough and the OP isn't obligated to give anything to anyone
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_They have sprung all these on the OP at the last minute
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_The OP wouldn't know what to get him anyways
Reddit/ChristmasChronicals_It is not the OP's fault if his nephew didn't receive any Christmas presents. Many Redditors say that OP's brother and family ought to respect the boundary he has established and not cross it.
He was declared not the AH and you can leave your thoughts about this story in the comments section below. And don't forget to share with your loved ones to get their own verdict as well.