Couple Eats Berries That Grow On Their Side Of Fence, Neighbour Tags Them Thieves While Dragging Them Online

"It was too late as we had recovered all the berries"

Couple Eats Berries That Grow On Their Side Of Fence, Neighbour Tags Them Thieves While Dragging Them Online

Your neighbors are not allowed to trespass on your land. And this includes any overhanging tree branches or other vegetation that extends from their property onto yours.

However, unless you can show that the overgrowth is endangering you or your property, it might be challenging to convince a judge to order your neighbor to prune back a tree or other plant. Perhaps there won't be any disputes between you and your neighbors about trees if all of the trees on their property are well confined within its borders.

But more often than not, especially in urban or suburban settings where lots are fence-divided, trees grow to such a size that their branches overhang neighboring properties or their trunk crosses the boundary, and they can cause problems in other ways. This is what we see in today's story.

The OP has a neighbor next door who has an excessive amount of bushes and trees, many of which go into their yard. OP's entire border along their house is covered with their trees and bushes that have branches going into the yard.

They've had disputes in the past when the OP cut their tree branches that were blocking their pathways, and they got pissed off. Now the OP and his wife decided to just eat the berries that were growing on their side of the fence, and the neighbors got pissed about it.

Read the entire story for yourself below.

The headline

The headlineReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

Their house is covered with their trees and bushes that have branches going into the OP's yard

Their house is covered with their trees and bushes that have branches going into the OP's yardReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

The OP can legally eat their berries which are growing onto their own land

The OP can legally eat their berries which are growing onto their own landReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

The Reddit post got hundreds of comments and here are a few of the most upvoted ones for you to read through below

The Reddit post got hundreds of comments and here are a few of the most upvoted ones for you to read through belowReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

The OP should make pies or jams out of those berries and offer it to everyone

The OP should make pies or jams out of those berries and offer it to everyoneReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

The neighbour can just pick them and throw them over the fence

The neighbour can just pick them and throw them over the fenceReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

Leaving fruit to fall and rot and attract wild life is a massive hassle

Leaving fruit to fall and rot and attract wild life is a massive hassleReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

The OP should call the HOA and say he's removing vegetation on his property

The OP should call the HOA and say he's removing vegetation on his propertyReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

Does the OP have the slightest doubt that he did something wrong?

Does the OP have the slightest doubt that he did something wrong?Reddit/Desperate-Ad4938

If this Redditor removes things from a plant, they are required to return it to the owner

If this Redditor removes things from a plant, they are required to return it to the ownerReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

This Redditor says that the OP's region is the same as theirs in terms of plants being in your fence

This Redditor says that the OP's region is the same as theirs in terms of plants being in your fenceReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

From a Redditor who doesn't believe the OP was called such a name online

From a Redditor who doesn't believe the OP was called such a name onlineReddit/Desperate-Ad4938

Talking to the neighbor about the bushes and coming to a decision on the berries would have been a possibility, but this individual does not come across as reasonable, so perhaps OP's choice was the best. They went too far when they raved about it on Facebook and even more so when they brought up OP's background, which has absolutely nothing to do with berries of any type.

The OP was declared not the AH and that's a wrap.
