10+ Awesome PIctures of 'Crown Shyness', A Natural Phenomenon Within Trees

Nature can do some amazing things...

10+ Awesome PIctures of 'Crown Shyness', A Natural Phenomenon Within Trees

Ever looked up while out on a bush walk, only to be surprised by what you see? 

In certain forests and conditions, a phenomenon where the tree tops of trees don't touch each other. First observed in the 1920s, there are many hypotheses as to why this happens, including the idea that it stops the spread of harmful insects, the fact that it may protect the trees from damaging one another, or the fact that optimizes light exposure for photosynthesis. No one knows for sure, but take a look through this gallery and prepare to be amazed!


There are many places you can go to see this amazing feat of nature.





You're more likely going to see it if you go to locations with the tree species that display this trait. 

#3Mr Sylvester


#4Airwii via Instagram


Scientists have identified which species these are.



#6Jeelsays via Instagram


Some species of eucalypt show this phenomenon.

#7Johndahn via Flickr


#8Tom Cowey


Species of Dryobalanops, including Dryobalanops lanceolata and Dryobalanops aromatica (kapur) is a species that displays this behaviour.





Didymopanax pittieri and Clusia alata as well.Pinus contorta or lodgepole pine and Avicennia germinans or black mangrove also are a species.

#11Arbenedetti via Instagram




You're more likely to see this happening in places like Malaysia, where these species are more common. 

#13Busy.doingnothing via Instagram


#14Bong & Lilian via Flickr


You have to have the right climate for these types of forests.

#15Afaizah via Instagram


#16Ayie Ramli via Flickr


You have to have a large empty canopy for the trees to grow without any other trees obscuring your view.

#17Lostfredde via Instagram


#18Lailysujak via Instagram


Some scientists think that it's the wind that causes the trees to touch and therefore their leaves degrade and cannot touch.

#19Sinikuusisto via Instagram




If you want to get a good Instagram of it, you'll have to choose a sunny day for full effect!

#21Paloma.la.chingona via Instagram




Neighbor detection isn't a fair occurrence in plant species, so it's not surprising to see this happening in these trees.

#23Ali Reza Zamli via Flickr




The more complex the crown shyness, the more impressive it looks.



#26Dag Peak via Flickr


Time to book a plane ticket to Malaysia, I think!

#27Zackzayne via Flickr

Mother nature can do some pretty terrific things, but sometimes mother nature can do things which are completely terrifying. Here are some examples of creepy things nature itself created.
