Unemployed Man Gets An Eviction Notice Thrown At Him For Being Lazy And Inconsiderate Towards The Couple Who Caters For Him

"We thought we were being good people by helping out a friend"

Unemployed Man Gets An Eviction Notice Thrown At Him For Being Lazy And Inconsiderate Towards The Couple Who Caters For Him

At some point in our lives, many of us have lived with roommates, and many of us have had arguments with them. Even if you and your roommate get along great, we all have our moments of irritation.

You can ignore the scattered dishes in the sink or the plugged drain in the bathroom if you are generally friendly. But what do you do if you never get along?

What should you do if you despise your roommate with all of your being? The short response is to move right?

However, most of the time, moving is not a simple alternative. The majority of issues can be handled with effective dialogue, compromise, and deference... or sometimes, an eviction.

The OP and her husband own a three-bedroom house. They didn't need all the space, so they rented out one of the rooms in their home.

They charge a base fee for rent and then split utilities and food three ways. This worked well until they rented the room out to the husband's best friend.

He lost his job and stopped paying rent, but the OP and her husband decided to give him more time to get back on his feet. But then, this roommate got lazier as the OP and her husband provided for him.

It was getting harder for them to cope, and this roommate wasn't helping matters, so they decided to take a drastic step.

OP writes

OP writesReddit/1Cicatrized

They charge a base fee for rent and then split utilities and food three ways

They charge a base fee for rent and then split utilities and food three waysReddit/1Cicatrized

The OP is getting more frustrated as each day goes by

The OP is getting more frustrated as each day goes byReddit/1Cicatrized

They are living off just the OP's husband's paycheck

They are living off just the OP's husband's paycheckReddit/1Cicatrized

Now he asked the OP what they wanted to have for dinner

Now he asked the OP what they wanted to have for dinnerReddit/1Cicatrized

Originally, they had the arrangement that he would cook dinner

Originally, they had the arrangement that he would cook dinnerReddit/1Cicatrized

OP and her husband have offered to pay his phone bill

OP and her husband have offered to pay his phone billReddit/1Cicatrized

And the comments roll in...

And the comments roll in...Reddit/1Cicatrized

They always land on their feet

They always land on their feetReddit/1Cicatrized

How about doing a bit of cleaning up?

How about doing a bit of cleaning up?Reddit/1Cicatrized

The OP reveals more about her wedding

Honestly, our wedding wasn't even that expensive. We did a destination wedding in Mexico to keep costs down and only invited family and close friends. It helped that our guest paid their own way so we just had the cost of the wedding and our Mexico trip.

We have used the rent money to pay off all our other debt (student loans, line of credit from poor spending habits while young, etc) and now we only have a mortgage and a car payment. All in all having a renter has helped put us in a good position and we just started building an emergency fund.

It's just a run of bad luck that I've been unable to work at the same time that CB decided to be an a*s and be picky about employment.

Cutting that off

Cutting that offReddit/1Cicatrized

Focusing on the incoming baby

Focusing on the incoming babyReddit/1Cicatrized

A short story

A short storyReddit/1Cicatrized

It can be enjoyable and exciting to share a space with someone, but it has a lot of difficulties. It's possible that you share a home with someone who is totally different from you, so your roommate and you don't have to be great friends.

But this is just the height of it, and many Redditors agreed with the OP to kick the deadbeat out of their home.
