Woman Faces Marital Conflict As Husband Objects To Naming Newborn Son After Her Supportive Boss
"He said he didn't approve of this in any way and that he would agree to any other name"
- Published in Interesting
Having a baby is usually one of the happiest times in someone's life. It's a time for celebrating, feeling happy, and looking forward to new beginnings. But even though it's such a nice time, it doesn't mean everything always goes smoothly.
Sometimes, what should be the happiest moment can end up causing a big argument. A 27-year-old woman, the OP of this story, found herself caught between her husband and her boss over the middle name of their newborn son.
When OP and her 28-year-old husband discovered they were expecting a baby boy, they faced the task of selecting the perfect middle name. While OP hadn't given much thought to middle names, her husband emphasized its importance as a tradition in his family, symbolizing something meaningful to the child's parents.
After deliberation, OP and her husband settled on the idea of naming their son after two significant figures in their lives: her father and her husband's brother, who coincidentally shared the same name. While the name flowed well with the first name, OP always found it somewhat basic.
Complications arose when OP took on a demanding project at her consulting firm during her pregnancy, causing tension with her husband, who felt she was neglecting their family. In a moment of inspiration, OP considered using an abbreviated form of her boss's unique Italian name as the baby's middle name.
However, when she shared this idea with her husband, he vehemently opposed it. Unable to come up with an alternative, OP ultimately decided to use her father's name as the middle name.
Unexpectedly going into labor two weeks ago, OP's boss played a significant role, comforting her and accompanying her to the hospital while her husband was unable to make it in time. Her boss and a close coworker were the first to see the baby and take pictures, creating a strong bond between them.
In a heartfelt gesture, OP asked her boss if the baby's middle name could be his, to which he gladly agreed. When her husband arrived and learned of this decision, he was furious, expressing his disapproval and resentment toward OP's firm's culture.
When OP found out that she was expecting a baby boy, she and her husband faced the decision of selecting a middle name.
RedditThey concluded that her father and her husband's brother are important individuals to them, and they found it acceptable that they share the same name as baby
RedditOP inquired of her spouse whether it would be acceptable to use a shortened version of her boss's distinct Italian name as inspiration for naming their baby.
RedditOP went into labor, and her boss provided support because her husband couldn't arrive in time. Following the birth, OP chose to give her son the same middle name as her boss.
RedditOP's husband was furious when he learned and he accused her of trying to impress her boss and criticized her actions.
RedditOP's in the wrong here.
RedditMaking such a significant decision without his agreement is truly awful.
RedditNaming a child should be a joint decision for a married couple
RedditOP's reasons for doing so don't justify this choice.
RedditSelfish move.
RedditNaming a child should involve both parents' consent
RedditOP didn't consider her husband's feelings
RedditChoosing a name for a baby is a big deal for parents, and it's normal for OP and her husband to have different ideas about what to name their child. When important things happen, like having a baby, people can feel really strongly about their choices.
OP and her husband both care a lot about this. OP isn't necessarily wrong for picking the name she did.
She wanted to honor someone who was really helpful during a tough time. But it's also important to think about her husband's feelings and try to find a solution that works for both of them.
They could talk to a counselor or someone neutral to help them figure it out.