31 Must-Ask Questions Before Dating Make It Easier To Find The Right Partner

Make your dating decision easier.

31 Must-Ask Questions Before Dating Make It Easier To Find The Right Partner

In a successful relationship, alignment between partners is essential. When your values, aspirations, and lifestyles resonate with each other, it significantly increases the possibility of a lasting and joyful partnership.

Contrarily, a mismatch in these areas often leads to despair and separation. Therefore, understanding your potential partner beyond superficial qualities, such as their attractive features or a single act of kindness, is crucial before committing.

But how can you tell if someone is a perfect match for another? Well, someone thought about that, too.

Recently, a fascinating discussion was initiated by u/RedditPenguin02 on Reddit, where Redditors shared their views on the key questions to ask before entering a romantic relationship. The conversation delivered numerous questions, ranging from deeply profound to somewhat weird.

These questions are insightful and cover a wide range of one's thinking, habits, and preferences. We have selected the most intriguing and useful questions from this discussion.

These questions are designed to delve deeper into a couple's potential compatibility and shared values, making the dating decision easier. We're sure that using some of these questions can help you make your dating decision.

Therefore, scroll through our collection to explore these questions and consider how they might apply to your own journey in finding a compatible partner.

1. "Are you married?"

"I would ask that. If they said no, the next question was “would your wife agree?”

If they laughed, they were telling the truth. If they got indignant and pissed off that I thought they were lying…they were married.

Worked every time."

1. wrenchmonkey135

2. "Do I like them, or do I just like that they like me?"

2. cat_named_virtue

3. "Ask them about their exes"

"If they think every single one of them is an a*****e...they are likely the real a*****e."

3. CantTakeMeSeriously

4. "Do they have any pets?"

"You can tell a lot about someone from how they treat and care for their pets, most of the time."

4. FindMe_SomebodyToLuv

5. "Do you want kids in the future?"

"If one person wants kids and the other wants to stay childfree, then they are not compatible. And it is better to try dating someone else."

5. GoodAlicia

6. "How do you feel about a woman's right to be a fully autonomous person?"

6. Gheerdan

7. A twist

7. A twistshadetreephilosopher

8. "What temperature do you set the thermostat to throughout the year?"

"Haha this one always gets me as someone who needs low temps - you can always put on more clothes, I can't peel my skin off to get cooler..."

8. OneFingerIn

9. "What are your hobbies?"

"Aside from major differences about finances, kids, politics, or religion, a big one is; What are your hobbies? If they don’t really have any, you may be the next hobby, which isn’t going to work unless you’ve got that kind of time.

If the hobbies are time-consuming ones generally done with a SO, but you have no interest in them, that could be an issue as well. If only one of you likes camping, wanted to spend vacation lounging instead of exploring, didn’t like sports, etc either that partner is annoyed or the other feels like they don’t get to enjoy what they love."

9. Githard

10. The Big 5

"While many may not agree with this very direct method if you are truly trying to find a long-term match and not waste either person's time talk about the big-five as soon as possible. My husband and I had the talk on our second date.

We've been together since 2015. The big5 are:

* religion

* politics

* children (to have or to have not)

* finances

* deal breakers: human rights / personal ethics concerns etc."

10. The Big 5Ancientallove

11. Kids, s**, and money

"When I was dating my three essential questions were always kids, sex, and money. If you're not on the same wavelength for any of those three things, just don't even try."

11. Kids, s**, and moneyKhaosElement

12. "When was the last time you changed your mind about something?"

"Opens a window to how they think."

12. youcantkillanidea

13. Or a tricky one

13. Or a tricky oneHumpieDouglas

14. Small steps to big success

14. Small steps to big successNOLASLAW

15. Political values

"I would try to take care of any dealbreakers. If I find out that she has different political values than I do, it's not going to work out in the long run, so I wouldn't bother.

Same thing with other factors (religion, financial values, etc.). I would also ask how much cuddling she likes to engage in, as I prefer a lot."

15. Political valuesSkullKrusher9000

16. "Do you have kids?"

16. anon

17. Birth control

"And never believe "I don't take it because I can't get pregnant". Nature... finds a way."

17. Birth controlBlackLetterLies

18. Criminal history

18. Criminal historyHomeschoolMommy313

19. "Are you pro-life?"

"If I get pregnant, are you going to try to force me to give birth?"

19. Furryhat92

20. "Are you going to be financially dependent on me?"

20. Main-Strike-7392

21. What are you excited about in the next few weeks or months?

"I highly encourage you ask someone you are getting to know what they are excited about in the next few weeks or month. For me, it's critically important that the people I dated were optimistic and excited about life.

Obviously that's not mean to disparage mental health struggles. But it was important that I dated someone who had a similar mindset to myself.

I'm someone who finds things to be excited about. I find it jarring and off putting to date or be close to someone who can't identify things they are excited about.

They don't have to be big things. But having a sunny, positive, and agreeable disposition is important - at least in my opinion."

21. What are you excited about in the next few weeks or months?Kooky_Finding8516

22. "Are you jealous or possessive?"

"Seriously, people who are, it is better not to give them time to enter your life."

22. imsweetlassie

23. What do you do to handle stress?

"What they do to handle stress (genuinely), if they are in any other relationships, and if they have the same intent in dating as you. Nothing worse than finding out four years later that he thinks he’s poly and never thought you needed to know."

23. What do you do to handle stress?thisismenow0522

24. Are you religious?

24. Are you religious?MormonEscapee

25. The big issue

25. The big issueCreepyPhotographer

26. How did your last relationship end?

26. How did your last relationship end?Technerdpgh

27. Are you a squirrel?

"Probably questions related to spending habits and how much "stuff" they like to have. Poor financial management and hoarding are crushing factors in a relationship.

The older guy of a family in the neighborhood died near the beginning of the year. The wife was moved to assisted living last month, and they took one large uhaul of stuff out of the house, and then I'm told the house flippers loaded 6 (yes SIX) large (40 cubic yard) garbage dumpsters of hoarded... stuff... out of the house.

Don't be that family. Run away from people with tendencies like this.

You will be unlikely to ever cure them of it."

27. Are you a squirrel?FrozeItOff

28. "Do you clap when the plane lands?"

28. dont_u_know

29. “What are you looking for in a relationship?”

29. “What are you looking for in a relationship?”Glambuddha

30. "How's your relationship with your parents?"

"This speaks volumes about many people."

30. BlindShithead

31. Besides money, what?

31. Besides money, what?

This kind of question might seem like a direct approach to someone's personality, but they offer faster and more detailed analysis of your and the potential partner's compatibility. If nothing else, you won't be wasting your time in the wrong relationship.

So, some of these questions can save you unnecessary trouble, and Redditors advise you to use them.
