Homeowner Hesitates To Move Into Girlfriend's Rented Apartment, Thinks It Is Ridiculous Financial Decision

"She has 9 cats and a dog and a daughter."

Homeowner Hesitates To Move Into Girlfriend's Rented Apartment, Thinks It Is Ridiculous Financial Decision

Moving in together is a big step for any couple. It's exciting, but it can also bring up a bunch of challenges, especially when you have to figure out where to live and how to manage your money.

This is the story of a couple who's been dating for three years. They've been living separately, but now they're thinking about living together.

There's a twist, though: she has 9 cats, a dog, and a daughter, and he has a dog and owns his house, which is a bit smaller than her rented place. He thinks moving into his house is the smart move.

He's got a good deal on his mortgage, and he thinks renting is a waste of money, especially since her rent costs more than his mortgage. But she doesn't want to move into his smaller house because she's worried about space for her pets and her kid.

She thinks he's being selfish by not wanting to move into her rented house, and he feels like she's not seeing how important it is to make smart money choices. They're stuck and not sure what to do.

He's trying to be practical about money and the future, but she feels like he's not willing to make sacrifices for their relationship. On top of it all, she's struggling to pay for her current place and even thinking about getting a second job.

OP and his girlfriend considering moving in together, she has 9 cats, a dog, and a daughter, while OP has a dog.

OP and his girlfriend considering moving in together, she has 9 cats, a dog, and a daughter, while OP has a dog.

She's asking OP to move into her rented house, despite his own home, and her rent is higher than OP's mortgage.

She's asking OP to move into her rented house, despite his own home, and her rent is higher than OP's mortgage.

OP disagrees with his partner because he refuses to live in her house, he feels misunderstood and questions if he is at fault.

OP disagrees with his partner because he refuses to live in her house, he feels misunderstood and questions if he is at fault.

She feels OP is rude for pointing out her unrealistic expectations and the financial risks they pose.

She feels OP is rude for pointing out her unrealistic expectations and the financial risks they pose.

Her concern is that there is not enough space for her animals, but OP argues that a larger space is costly.

Her concern is that there is not enough space for her animals, but OP argues that a larger space is costly.

She's having trouble affording her current living space, and she's thinking about getting a second job to make ends meet.

She's having trouble affording her current living space, and she's thinking about getting a second job to make ends meet.

OP's girlfriend has an unrealistic mindset.

OP's girlfriend has an unrealistic mindset.Reddit

It's not fair to expect others to finance her pet situation.

It's not fair to expect others to finance her pet situation.Reddit

Owning nine cats indicates potential mental health concerns and isn't suitable for sharing a home.

Owning nine cats indicates potential mental health concerns and isn't suitable for sharing a home.Reddit

Living apart could help keep the romance alive.

Living apart could help keep the romance alive.Reddit

She's requesting something completely nonsensical.

She's requesting something completely nonsensical.Reddit

OP shouldn't sacrifice for a partner who won't compromise.

OP shouldn't sacrifice for a partner who won't compromise.Reddit

OP needs to consider the implications of living together with 3 people, 2 dogs, and 9 cats.

OP needs to consider the implications of living together with 3 people, 2 dogs, and 9 cats.Reddit

OP's girlfriend's ideas about living together might not be very realistic. It doesn't seem fair for her to expect OP to pay for all her pets.

Having nine cats is a lot, and it could be a sign that she needs some help or might not be thinking about what's best for everyone in the home. It's not fair for her to expect OP to give up his house and pay more for rent just to accommodate her pets.

It seems like she's not willing to meet halfway or think about what's best for both of them. Living together with so many pets could cause a lot of problems.

OP needs to think about whether it's a good idea to move in together at all, especially if it could put a strain on their relationship. OP should prioritize his own happiness and not feel pressured to give up everything for a partner who won't compromise or think about what's best for both of them.
