15 Movie Theatre Stories From An Employee You'd Wish Weren't True
People go to the movies to enjoy movies but apparently, some people have other plans.

There's just nothing that can compare to the feeling of being in the cinema and watching the movie you've been waiting for while munching on some warm popcorn and slurping some drinks. It's an experience many of us always look forward to no matter our age.
That's why working there sounds like a dream for many. Who wouldn't want to get free passes for the latest movies in town, right?
As nice as that sounds though, working in a movie theatre isn't all nice and fuzzy. Let us tell you, the lives of movie theatre workers aren't as glamorous as those of the stars we're watching on the big screen.
See, while some of us are gleefully enjoying the movie, we're unaware of what's happening backstage. And well, let's just say that a lot of the things happening backstage are kind of outrageous.
From screaming unruly customers to people doing weird stuff in the cinema, movie theatre employee never runs out of stories to tell. Some are fun but some are stories you would kind of wish weren't true.
Still, it's amusing to hear some of these stories and Imgur user Hymeria has a lot of them. Keep scrolling and read the funniest ones she has.
1. This is just too pure and a nice start before all the horror stories

2. The Karens are all the same no matter where you go

3. Those women don't deserve the joy of the theatre or any joy in life actually

4. Who hurt these people oh my god

5. That is not the way to build up your immunity for God's sake!

6. The rules are there for a fraeking reason

7. Alright dumb lady who doesn't even know what's good for their kid

8. We get it, people should be able to bring their own food in the theatre but at least be decent about it

9. Yep, that does sound like crawling through prison sewer alright

10. Does it just run in the blood or is it the breeding?

11. Never imagine you can get unintentionally high in a movie theatre

12. Okay, now what in the world. Can we give those people a nice good slap?

13. Then, why not go elsewhere if you think it's that expensive? It's not like anything will change much

14. Oh no, the poor dear. That is indeed some traumatizing work.

15. Okay what part of their horniness does this act exactly solve?

Alright, we can properly say that we have experienced a bit of the trauma this Hymeria and her coworkers have experienced. Still, we bet it doesn't compare to the actual scenarios.
What is the world people? Seriously, a lot of those stories got us asking, "Is humanity still okay?"
Please don't be one of those people in the cinema, alright?
