The Plot Holes In These Movies Might Make You Completely Rethink Everything You Thought You Knew

There's got to be some truth to these

  • Published in Disney
The Plot Holes In These Movies Might Make You Completely Rethink Everything You Thought You Knew

Even the most thoroughly thought out stories have massive plot holes. A lot depends on how hard you would like to think about things. In turn, how invested you really are into the movie.

Buzzfeed asked their community what particular plot holes left them all with their heads in their hands, and throwing popcorn at the screens. So feast your eyes on this epic list. Will you agree? Possibly. To all of them? Very doubtful.

But I bet there's a whole lot of movie watching in your future. What? You're in quarantine, remember? Jeesh! So check these out. Tell us what you think!

1. Up

The house didn’t actually start to float away until the balloons were outside the house.

Why is that?

Shouldn’t the house of started to float away when the balloons were still inside? Am I right?!

1. UpSource

2. All Star Wars Movies

All the different planets have completely different levels of gravity, plus they also have different atmospheres, but everyone is still running around without wearing a space suit.

Why isn't anyone frozen?

Why didn't they explode?

Why isn't anyone uncomfortable?


2. All Star Wars MoviesSource

3. The Last Jedi

While we're on Star Wars, how in the world was Paige Tico able to drop a bomb on the dreadnought.

If there's no gravity in space...

Shouldn't it of just... literally floated away?

Face palm.

3. The Last JediSource

4. Signs

If the alien’s weakness is water.

Why in the world did it come to our planet, which is 71% water?

4. SignsSource

5. The Karate Kid

Daniel wins by kicking his opponent in the head.

Go ahead, think about that again.

That's against the rules. Or at least it's supposed to be.

So, cheaters sometimes win? UHG.

5. The Karate KidSource

6. Monsters, Inc.

In the original movie, the two monsters first met in elementary school.

6. Monsters, Inc.Source


But in Monsters University, they first met at college.

Did they forget or what?


7. Aliens

Ripley is buff, yes we know. But actually holding onto a ladder with one hand while simultaneously trying to prevent himself from being sucked into space?


7. AliensSource

8. The Little Mermaid

If Ariel could sign the contract with Ursula, why didn't she just use her writing skills to talk to Prince Eric?

For real.

8. The Little MermaidSource

9. 17 Again

Mike's kids don't seem to recognize him when he's 17-years-old-again.

But there's pictures around their house of him during that age?

Say whaaat?

9. 17 AgainSource

10. Raiders of the Lost Ark

The Nazis would have definitely found the Ark with or without Indiana Jones.

Essentially it’s his own personal movie, yet he has no influence on the main plot.


10. Raiders of the Lost ArkSource

11. The Harry Potter Series

My personal fave.

The Marauder’s Map shows the location of everyone in Hogwarts, right? Right...

So why didn’t anyone see that Peter Pettigrew was 1) Still alive and 2) Spent an awful lot of time with Ron?


11. The Harry Potter SeriesSource

12. The Harry Potter Series

Why did Harry waste so much time trying to see if Voldemort had returned.

Why didn't he save himself some time and just use the Pensieve?


12. The Harry Potter SeriesSource

13. The Halloween Series

If Michael Myers was institutionalized since he was 10-years-old. How in the H E double hockey sticks did he know how to drive?

Or even get access to a car?


13. The Halloween SeriesSource

14. Pleasantville

Where did the basketball team come from. T

hey were visiting...

The whole town is only two streets.

Oh my lantas.

14. PleasantvilleSource

15. Cinderella

The whole plot is completely hinged on the fact that the glass slippers will only fit on her feet.

How in tarnation, is she the only one in the entire town that has that foot size?


15. CinderellaSource

16. Tangled

Rapunzel's entire story revolves around her seeing the lanterns on her birthday.

But if that was the case, why didn't the witch just tell her that her birthday was on a different day?

What the what!

16. TangledSource

17. High School Musical

Yep, she got stage fright alright.

But wait, she wasn't even supposed to sing the first line.

Troy was.

UHG Disney!

17. High School MusicalSource

18. Ant-Man and the Wasp

Is there a specific reason that no one notices that an entire building is disappearing and then reappearing?

Hank's lab is continually moving around the city, and yet the FBI never takes notice of that.

The FBI!

18. Ant-Man and the WaspSource

19. Hocus Pocus

Why didn't they just use a salt circle from the beginning?


19. Hocus PocusSource

20. The Meg

If it was the submarine that had juuuust let out the megalodons, how was it that Jonas was able to see one five years prior?


20. The MegSource

21. A Quiet Place

If they knew that the Earth had just been over taken by aliens who hunt by using the sense of sound, why in the world would the decide to have a baby. Babies are literally guaranteed to make an insurmountable amount of noise.

For. Real.

21. A Quiet PlaceSource

22. A Quiet Place

Why are they living on a farm in the first place?

The waterfall would cover up all of their day-to-day sounds.


22. A Quiet PlaceSource

23. Mamma Mia

Donna sure gives the sense of declaration that her mother is dead in the first movie.

Yet, when it came to the sequel, her mother was very much alive and well.

It makes no sense!

23. Mamma MiaSource

How many of these plot holes did you know about?

Which one surprised you the most?

Let us know in the comments!
