Woman Declines To Swap Mother's Day Weekend With Ex As His Step-Children Consistently Make Their Daughter Feel Uncomfortable

"She's missing out on nothing other than a weekend of being excluded"

Woman Declines To Swap Mother's Day Weekend With Ex As His Step-Children Consistently Make Their Daughter Feel Uncomfortable

It's very common for siblings to quarrel, disagree, and fight with one another at times; in fact, it's highly common. Additionally, those recently formed stepsibling connections may occasionally be tested when two families combine to form a blended family.

Step siblings' rivalry can occasionally resurface in a nonblended family for a variety of reasons. A child may just feel envious that a new sibling has joined the family, and they are no longer the only subject of their parents' attention.

And they begin to behave in ways that their parents (and perhaps even themselves) find entirely unexpected or strange or it could manifest as arguing and quarreling. They argue over who gets more parental attention or is required to complete more duties.

They become indignant when they believe a parent is favoring one child over another. For the OP's kid, Indie, her stepbrothers were jealous of her because her stepmom was nice to her.

They would say mean things to the OP's daughter, to the extent that she told the OP that she doesn't like spending time with the family anymore. Now, OP's ex wants her to swap Mother's Day weekend so Indie could be with them because they are doing a Mother's Day weekend trip and believe Indie should be there.

Well, the OP refused, and you can read the entire story as you keep scrolling down below.

The headline

The headlineReddit/Time_Perspective5497

OP's divorce was pretty friendly considering they made such a bad couple

OP's divorce was pretty friendly considering they made such a bad coupleReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Ex's wife told the OP that her daughter doesn't like spending time with the family anymore

Ex's wife told the OP that her daughter doesn't like spending time with the family anymoreReddit/Time_Perspective5497

OP's daughter is missing out on nothing other than a weekend of being excluded

OP's daughter is missing out on nothing other than a weekend of being excludedReddit/Time_Perspective5497

The OP needed to put this edit out there for further clarification

The OP needed to put this edit out there for further clarificationReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Here are a bunch of comments from other Redditors:

Here are a bunch of comments from other Redditors:Reddit/Time_Perspective5497

The OP should petition for a change in custody agreement

The OP should petition for a change in custody agreementReddit/Time_Perspective5497

The OP's job is to protect her child

The OP's job is to protect her childReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Changing the custody agreement

Changing the custody agreementReddit/Time_Perspective5497

The OP is putting her daughter's feelings first

The OP is putting her daughter's feelings firstReddit/Time_Perspective5497

The kids need to be told they are treating OP's daughter wrong

The kids need to be told they are treating OP's daughter wrongReddit/Time_Perspective5497

She doesn't want to go as she's excluded

She doesn't want to go as she's excludedReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Having a custody agreement in place

Having a custody agreement in placeReddit/Time_Perspective5497

He is alienating OP's daughter form his family

He is alienating OP's daughter form his familyReddit/Time_Perspective5497

OP's ex might just need a wake up call

OP's ex might just need a wake up callReddit/Time_Perspective5497

This Redditor wants to know what's wrong with the OP's ex

This Redditor wants to know what's wrong with the OP's exReddit/Time_Perspective5497

This is mother's day not stepmom and unfriendly step siblings day

This is mother's day not stepmom and unfriendly step siblings dayReddit/Time_Perspective5497

The OP shouldn't subject her daughter to that

The OP shouldn't subject her daughter to thatReddit/Time_Perspective5497

The OP is right in protecting her daughter

The OP is right in protecting her daughterReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Bringing her into a home she feels safe in

Bringing her into a home she feels safe inReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Some crazy issues is going on here

Some crazy issues is going on hereReddit/Time_Perspective5497

OP's daughter should be working with a therapist who sha can talk to

OP's daughter should be working with a therapist who sha can talk toReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Family is just hard

Family is just hardReddit/Time_Perspective5497

Kids tend to argue over things that are either frivolous or important when they quarrel. Kids will occasionally merely attempt to distinguish themselves from their siblings but OP's daughter seem to always receive it hot from her step siblings.

The OP was declared not the AH as many believed that the OP's ex was failing in his duty as a father.
