Bigfoot Sightings Are Still A Thing And This Woman Has The Evidence To Prove It All
Rural Michigan is leading the pack in Bigfoot news, apparently.

The folklore of Bigfoot is fascinating, especially as the creature seems to be born from the clashing of multiple cultures and that while most mainstream scientists have discredited his existence.... well, people still really believe he is out there.
Over the years blurry photos, shaky videos, and tales of wonder and woe have worked their way from person to person and across media platforms urging us that Bigfoot is real but while many, many people claim to have spotted a Sasquatch, no one out there quite has a tale like Robin Lynn-Pfeifer who claims that seeing Bigfoot is not a paranormal phenomenon, but rather an everyday occurrence for her and her little family. Why you ask?
According to Robin, a family of Bigfoot made themselves a home in the woods behind her house. What is most interesting, though, is that Bigfoot is more notorious for being sighted in the state of Washington and British Columbia but Robin lives in rural Michigan.

By almost all accounts, Robin Lynn-Pfiefer is a normal woman. She lives in Michigan with her husband and their three children. However, she is definitely turning heads with her eager and willingness to talk about her Bigfoot sightings, and more importantly, casting aside myths and revealing the truth about Bigfoot and Bigfoot behavior... and that's not all. She's managed a name for herself and a rather complicated relationship with what we'll call the "greater Bigfoot community." Much like the community in the southern United States who firmly believe not only are we not alone in the Universe but that we have been visited, Bigfoot has a clan of devout followers who consider themselves experts.

Robin has a plethora of knowledge to share with all of us about Bigfoot and here are some of the best tokens of education:
Bigfoot loves blueberry bagels.

Lynn-Pfeifer says that the Bigfoot family moved onto her property in 2009 and soon after she discovered they just want to eat breakfast. She began feeding them a variety of foods and it wasn't long after she realized they really love blueberry bagels.
In 2011, she told Discovery News all about their dietary habits:
They get fish every day, a bucket of fruit, a bucket of dry dog food. . . . Their favorite thing is blueberry bagels.

She has not managed to get a single photo

Despite the fact that Lynn-Pfeifer says since 2009 close to 10 Bigfoot-like creatures have lived in her back woods, she has never been able to get a photograph of even one of them. She has tried all sorts of tricks, including setting up automatic cameras but the Bigfoots out-smarted her and turned them upside down. On the plus side, she has been able to get several cast moldings of their footprints left in the woods and the largest one clocked in at 18.5 inches-long. You know what they say about Bigfoot, right? They have big feet.

Speaking of turning cameras upside down...

Apparently a favored past time of the Bigfoot in her backyard is playing pranks. According to a report by Fox News, Robin has said this of their unusual behavior:
Sometimes they make knocking sounds underneath the family home's crawl space, twist and braid a rope used to tie the family's pony, or construct elaborate stick structures in the woods.
While the rest of the North American Bigfoot Club doesn't support her... Russia does.

At this point Robin lives knee-deep in Bigfoot controversy and while she doesn't get a lot of support from that greater Bigfoot community we mentioned, she does have a lot of support in Russia. After gathering all of her findings and evidence she traveled to a gathering of Bigfoot believers in the Kemerovo region. Once there she met Igor Burtsev, a researcher in the Russian Cryptozoological world, working for the International Center of Hominology. Burtsev once met with researchers from Sweden, Canada, the USA, and Estonia and together they traveled two days to an area that has reported sightings of a large, Yeti-like creature. Burtsev believes he found evidence of the creature's existence and after hearing Robin's story an visiting her in Michigan, he believes her entirely. While in Michigan he did not see any Bigfoot himself but looking over the evidence she collected, well, he believes her 100%.

Bigfoot just... showed up.

Even from an expert in Bigfoot perspective, not much is known about how Bigfoots get around. They are very difficult to track and spot and some paranormal researchers hypothesizing that they travel via inter-dimensional wormholes. Robin has no theories to offer either, though. She says her family moved onto the property in 2009 and the family of Bigfoot just... showed up.
Each Bigfoot is created uniquely

Forget everything you think you know about what Bigfoot looks like. According to Lynn-Pfeifer, they all look different. They can be tall, short, and come in a wide variety of fur colors! She has said that of the nearly 10 Bigfoot on her land the shortest is close to a mere humanly 6 feet tall, while the tallest is nearly 9 feet tall!
When she spoke with Discovery News she said:
The biggest one I've sat and looked at for 15 minutes was nine-and-a-half feet tall. The large male is all black. Others are beige and white.
But just because Lynn-Pfiefer speaks her facts doesn't mean she is speaking everyone else's facts.
In fact, she may be hallucinating.
Loren Coleman of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland is an expert in cryptozoology who is extremely skeptical of Lynn-Pfiefer's claims. What really grinds his gears? The fact that there are no photos. He says:
All the Bigfoot contactees—for some reason they never take photographs. There's a lot of interest in finding these things, but we have to look at the credibility of the people feeding us the stories. I'm always careful of two kinds of people, the debunkers who have no interest and the true believers who will not bring any critical thinking... They really believe they are having these experiences. I don't know if its hallucinations or a psychological state.
Loren Coleman isn't the only non-believer.

While only 16% of Americans believe Bigfoot is real, that still leaves a pretty large community of believers and most of them are turning their noses to the claims made by Robin Lynn-Pfiefer.
In 2011, Dr. Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology spoke his opnion of Lynn-Pfiefer at a Russian Yeti symposium. Dismissing her for not proving any evidence other than her claims, he said:
There's no substance to any of her claims. If there were 10 to 12 around her home, she should be opening up a museum with all the artifacts.
Furthermore, one of Dr. Meldrum's colleagues believes that Lynn's children are just playing pranks on her.
Robin Lynn-Pfiefer is not the only person to "spot" Bigfoot in Michigan.

Astonishingly, the Upper Peninsula Bigfoot/Sasquatch Research Organization has based their entire existence on trying to find a cryptid living in Michigan's upper peninsula. Interestingly, it was only in 2016 that their organization claims there was a possible Bigfoot sighting a mere 100 miles from Lynn-Pfeifer's home. The sighting was caught on an eagle's nest camera in Beulah, Michigan. Not long after, a photo was taken of a Bigfoot-looking something, taken by a trail cam mounted on a tree in the western Upper Peninsula. The mystery creature was combing through a campsite.
There is not a shred of genuine,confirmed evidence that Lynn-Pfiefer is telling the truth.

With the absence of hairs, photos, literally anything other than her own anecdotal experiences and suspicious casts she has made, there is no real proof to back up Robin's claims. Dr Jeff Meldrum, the Yeti investigator from Idaho State University who has traveled the world searching for Bigfoot doubts what little evidence Robin has is real. He told Discovery News:
There’s no substance to any of her claims. If there were 10 to 12 around her home, she should be opening up a museum with all the artifacts.
But Lynn-Pfiefer isn't done talking.
She has even more to say about Bigfoot. Apparently, they're sweeties.
Rather than wreaking havoc in her backyard, Lynn-Pfiefer says the Bigfoot family living near her are generous and kind. In 2011, she told The Wall Street Journal that they like to leave her gifts. They bring her sticks, and after they bring her a gift they usually take a big swig of water from one of the buckets outside her house.

Texas DNA Controversy

In January of 2013, Texas Monthly reported that scientists had provided DNA evidence proving Bigfoot's existence. They reported:
The statement, published by DNA Diagnostics Inc., reports that a team of scientists has concluded a 5-year study that “confirms the existence of a novel hominin hybrid species, commonly called ‘Bigfoot’ or ‘Sasquatch,’ living in North America.” Melba S. Ketchum, PhD., founder of DNA Diagnostics, led the team of “experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology.”
But it's not that simple. When the "Bigfoot insider" who provided DNA samples to DNA Diagnostics turned out to be Lynn-Pfiefer, it also turned out she was the press agent. Was it a publicity stunt? We don't know. Steven Novella from NeuroLogica Blog said:
The bottom line is this – human DNA plus some anomalies or unknowns does not equal an impossible human-ape hybrid. It equals human DNA plus some anomalies.
And, DoubtfulNews.com said:
We don’t know who the team of scientists is. Melba has been silent. The collected data is suspect, the analysis is suspect, the conclusions are suspect. EVERYTHING is suspect because there is no data for anyone else to examine.
