Man Gives Mom Harsh Conditions She Must Fulfill In Other To Attend His Grandmother's Funeral, Mom Curses Him, Which Made Everything Worse
"It is inappropriate for her to be standing there for her now that she's gone"

There are similar issues that many families deal with, despite the fact that every family has its own unique problems. Even though it might seem that your family's troubles are exceptional, millions of families worldwide—whether they are your biological family, your adopted family, or your foster family—are struggling with the same concerns.
Even though finding ways to overcome family disputes may seem impossible, with enough effort and information, many problems faced by families may be resolved. Meet u/fromagefurieux, the original poster of today's AITA story, whose mom cut him and his older brother off from her parents.
When the OP was 14, his mother married Jacques, who also has a son, Heni. Jacques spoiled him endlessly, and Henri would take every advantage.
It got to a point when Henri complained that the OP's grandparents gave them better presents than him. OP's mom went to OP's grandfather and said that unless they can treat Henri as a full grandchild, they won't have contact with us.
Grandfather refused, and OP's mom cut them off from their grandparents, but they still kept in contact with them until we moved out. Now, OP's grandparents have passed, and they left their estate for OP and his brother to manage.
They chose to pay their mom back in her own coin, as she was told that the estate had nothing to do with her. Read the entire story for yourself below.
The story's headline

OP's mother had no spine when it came to standing up to her husband

OP's grandmother told his mother that she broke his grandfather's heart

It was left solely to the OP and his brother and their mom has no part of it

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
The action I took which should be judged is telling my mother she can only come to my grandmother's funeral if she were coming to apologize and she cannot bring her husband or his son. This is the action which might make me the a-hole.
And the comments from Redditors roll in...

The OP is honoring their grandparents wishes first

She can't make things right again

Seeing the dollar signs

The OP values the wishes of his grandparents

Seems like she Inherited the father's stubbornness

It was unanimous that the grandparents were the AHs

It sounds like what OP's grandma could have waited

Once she gets them, it can be hard to take them back

Saying no to step family

This Redditor reveals what the ironic thing is

Disinheriting the children

It's your choice to make

So be it...

The terms given by the OP are fair

Worth a look up

It's also the mom's choice to say...

This Redditor wants to know how

OP's mom had ample time to make things right with her parents, but she chose not to. The estate belongs to OP's grandmother, and she has chosen who she wants to take over from her.
OP's mom has to accept reality now, as redditors declared OP not the AH. You can share this post with your loved ones to get their opinions as well.
