This Redditor's Epic Tale Of How They Dealt With Their Mooching Roommate Will Have You In Stitches

Brace yourself! This Redditor's petty revenge is pure comedy!

This Redditor's Epic Tale Of How They Dealt With Their Mooching Roommate Will Have You In Stitches

Having roommates can either be a blissful experience or a challenging one, particularly when boundaries aren't respected. A common point of contention revolves around food – yes, that precious commodity for any college student that they painstakingly budget for.

While it's bad enough to unknowingly lose a box of cereal or carton of milk, what's infuriating is waking up to your carefully saved dinner, like a slice of last night's pizza or a delightful sandwich, devoured without remorse.

We found one Redditor (OP) who decided to share their experience with a mooch during their college days.

OP explained that they and their roommate, in a bid to help a stranded friend, offered him shelter while he was trying to get his life together. They didn't charge him any rent or ask him to contribute to the bills, but they did, however, give him one condition, "Don't touch our food."

Yet, morning after morning, they discovered their cherished leftovers missing. From pizza to Ramen and even a tempting Subway sandwich, nothing was off-limits for this friend.

According to OP, "You'd wake up hoping to eat your leftover pizza for breakfast, and you'd find an empty box next to the sofa. Ramen noodles for lunch. Gone. Chef Boyardee for dinner. Gone."

It wasn't long before OP and their roommate reached their breaking point. They had to figure out a way to stop this friend from crossing boundaries with no care in the world.

In an act of culinary vengeance, the duo devised a spicy trap. They purchased the fieriest wings from Buffalo Wild Wings, only to drench them further in "Dave's Insanity sauce." Imagine a concoction so spicy it came with a warning.

When they both got home, they labeled the box with OP's name and set the bait in the fridge for the unsuspecting friend. In the morning, they found an open both next to the couch — but interestingly, only one wing had a bite out of it.

You can say the friend learned a BLAZING lesson that he'll never forget. Scroll down to find out the full details of the story.

The story in detail

The story in

A little background

A little

OP and their roommate had one rule, “Don’t eat out food.” But their friend broke it without caring

OP and their roommate had one rule, “Don’t eat out food.” But their friend broke it without

OP and their roommate came up with a crazy plan to stop their friend from eating their food

OP and their roommate came up with a crazy plan to stop their friend from eating their

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“I had a couple roommates that would do that to themselves.”

“I had a couple roommates that would do that to themselves.”

“That's not a roommate, that's a mooch.“

“That's not a roommate, that's a mooch.“

This is absolutely crazy and hilarious at the same time

This is absolutely crazy and hilarious at the same

Nothing like sweet revenge, especially when you don’t have to do anything

Nothing like sweet revenge, especially when you don’t have to do

A lot of people wouldn’t have put up with such a roommate for that long

A lot of people wouldn’t have put up with such a roommate for that

“I would have kicked them out.“

“I would have kicked them out.“

“That's one blazing revenge and he deserved that for eating your food.”

“That's one blazing revenge and he deserved that for eating your food.”

“What i would have done different is that rather than hot sauce, i would buy a laxative and put little by little.”

“What i would have done different is that rather than hot sauce, i would buy a laxative and put little by little.”

“That’s pretty spice-ful of you.“

“That’s pretty spice-ful of you.“

“I hate people like that, especially when you're just strangers living together.”

“I hate people like that, especially when you're just strangers living together.”

From the look of things, it’s clear that several other Redditors have had to deal with roommates who don’t respect boundaries. And it was entertaining reading how each person dealt with their scavenging roommate.

We definitely had a good laugh reading some stories, and we’re sure you did, too. Sometimes, people tend to learn things the hard way.

Do you have any experience with mooches? Share your story in the comments.
