Mother Sends Lengthy Email Talking About How Excluded She Feels When Son Takes Vacation With Wife Without Warning

"My parents have never once come out to have a meal where I was"

Mother Sends Lengthy Email Talking About How Excluded She Feels When Son Takes Vacation With Wife Without Warning

Togetherness can be forged on vacations with the people you care about. Also, it works well to strengthen your relationship with your significant other.

A couple may stay together and, most importantly, stay happy together by traveling together. The original poster of today's story and his wife recently got back from a week-long vacation on the West Coast of the United States.

The OP revealed that they had a lot of fun. OP's wife and his parents do not speak at all after an incident years ago. It happened that his wife finally had enough of the OP's mother continually making derogatory or attacking comments towards her, so she stood up for herself.

"This led to us being uninvited to Thanksgiving and Christmas that year, but the three of us ended up having a long, emotional conversation at my aunt's house on Christmas eve where the three of us agreed to move on, water under the bridge, although my father has still not spoken to my wife once since then," the OP writes.

Imagine the OP's shock upon receiving an email from his mom right after he got back from their vacation. The OP tried defending all the points his mom laid out in the email against him, and you can check them all out as you read the full story below.

The headline

The headlineReddit

The story kicks off

The story kicks offReddit

Here's the email

Here's the emailReddit

The OP addresses some points

The OP addresses some pointsReddit

The OP admits that he doesn't call

The OP admits that he doesn't callReddit

And the comments roll in...

And the comments roll in...Reddit

OP's mom has a husband

OP's mom has a husbandReddit

OP's wife actually cleared up some things in the comments as well

To clarify a couple of things- I think one of the main reasons we haven’t gone completely no contact yet is because they live with my husbands sister and her kids. We have a great relationship with my SIL (She’s actually one of my best friends) and we obviously still care deeply for our niece and nephew and want to be a part of their lives.

We also understand that if we were to go NC, it would put a lot of added stress on my SIL which seriously sucks, but it’s unavoidable (She’s a super tough cookie and can handle it, but she shouldn’t have to and we felt like we had to take this all into consideration).

The other thing is, we love my husband’s extended family, his aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. have been nothing but warm, kind, caring people to me since day one and I truly love and care for all of them and we would be crushed if we had to sever contact with everyone. I can’t even imagine what my MIL and my FIL are saying about me to others, I try not to think about it.

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to reply internet strangers! This is just one crazy batsh*t story in a long line of them, but honestly I think your reassurance has helped us gain the strength to have some difficult conversations in the coming days.


Hiding them on social media

Hiding them on social mediaReddit

Managing the ego of parents

Managing the ego of parentsReddit

They are not entitled to play

They are not entitled to playReddit

It's their problem not the OP's

It's their problem not the OP'sReddit

Redditors really made sure they didn't leave any stones unturned. What are your thoughts about this story?

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