Teenager Wants Her Mom To Return A Huge Chunk Of Money She Took From Her Birthday Present, Gets Called Greedy And Ungrateful

"Just want to know if others think I'm being 'greedy'"

Teenager Wants Her Mom To Return A Huge Chunk Of Money She Took From Her Birthday Present, Gets Called Greedy And Ungrateful

When a kid turns 18 years of age, it can be very emotional for parents, and it is also significant legally. A person is regarded as an adult with rights and obligations when they turn 18 years old.

For every young adult, the age of 18 marks a turning point. You gain a sense of maturity and freedom, as well as specific legal rights.

You may be asking, then, what are some things that 18-year-olds can do? Now that they are eighteen, they can vote and sign documents.

They may request an excuse from school on their own if they are still in high school. At this age, males can register to be recruited into the military.

When you reach 18, everything is legal, including registering to vote and buying fireworks. The original poster for today's story just celebrated her eighteenth birthday.

She was meant to be given a bank account on her 18th birthday by her grandmother. Apparently, her grandma had been putting money into the account over many years, and it had reached around 10 grand.

OP's mother just recently reminded her of its existence and told her she needed money for something to do with her car but gave no specifics. When the OP asked if she would be returning the money, she called her greedy and ungrateful.

This got the OP confused, so she came to the AITA subreddit to share her story.

And here we have the headline...

And here we have the headline...Reddit/smellyassgooch

When the OP asked if her mom will be returning the money, she called her greedy and ungrateful, which made her confused

When the OP asked if her mom will be returning the money, she called her greedy and ungrateful, which made her confusedReddit/smellyassgooch

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

I'm not sure if i am being 'greedy' as my mother said, by wanting her to return the 6 thousand dollars to the bank account which was meant to be given to me on my 18th

OP's mom stole from her and is calling her greedy

OP's mom stole from her and is calling her greedyReddit/smellyassgooch

This OP suggests the OP transfer her money into another bank account

This OP suggests the OP transfer her money into another bank accountReddit/smellyassgooch

When you think that family won't screw you out of money

When you think that family won't screw you out of moneyReddit/smellyassgooch

OP's mother is trying to manipulate her to think she's the victim

OP's mother is trying to manipulate her to think she's the victimReddit/smellyassgooch

OP's grandma might have resources to get an attorney

OP's grandma might have resources to get an attorneyReddit/smellyassgooch

If the OP needs to, she should remind her mom that she stole

If the OP needs to, she should remind her mom that she stoleReddit/smellyassgooch

She trying to save the roof over her head with toddlers

She trying to save the roof over her head with toddlersReddit/smellyassgooch

Tell her that it's theft and calling the police

Tell her that it's theft and calling the policeReddit/smellyassgooch

OP's mom might be spending the money on something shady

OP's mom might be spending the money on something shadyReddit/smellyassgooch

OP's mom has been stealing from that birthday account

OP's mom has been stealing from that birthday accountReddit/smellyassgooch

It is important to understand what changes occur when you turn 18, even if it is unquestionably an exciting time in everyone's life. Understanding this will position you as a useful and capable member of society.

The OP only wanted to know if her money will be returned but was called greedy. Redditors disagreed with her mom and the OP was declared not the AH.
