Single Mom's Dream Vacation With Her Sons Turns Into A Road Trip From Hell After Her Boyfriend And His Bratty Teenage Daughter Ruined It
Is it really a vacation without an unexpected 4-day detour?
- Published in Interesting
Vacations are pretty amazing experiences but they can be quite expensive. That's why when you have the chance to go on one, especially with the people you love, you should treasure every precious moment.
As awesome as they can be, vacations rarely go as planned. When you encounter unexpected issues during your trip there can be two outcomes, either you let the hurdle ruin your fun or face it head-on and have an even better adventure.
More than we care to admit, it's the people who we choose to bring on the trip that ruins all the fun. It can be exhausting if you're in an unfamiliar place with someone who just brings the mood down.
One Reddit user had the unfortunate displeasure of going on a trip with a person who is like that. OP (original poster) is a 27-year-old single mom of two boys aged 9 and 6.
Months ago, she was finally in a good enough place to plan a 26-hour road trip with her sons. Since it was the first time they were able to do something like this, the loving mother went all out for this trip.
Basically, they will visit every place her sons have ever asked her to go to. A week before their trip Dave, OP's boyfriend of three years and who is 44 years old, decided he and his daughter Ann should go as well.
He said it will be a good bonding opportunity for OP's sons and his 17-year-old daughter. OP and Dave do not live together and Ann has never liked OP, saying that she is boring.
OP had her doubts if this will actually be a good idea but she relented and agreed that they can come. The moment that Ann got into the vehicle, OP's initial hesitations were proven right.
Ann was loudly complaining that it was too crowded, too loud and that they were taking too many stops. She even said OP's sons were too annoying and they, "need to quiet the f*ck down and chill out".
Around 3 in the afternoon, 9 hours after their road trip started, the unhappy group finally reached a hotel in Pennsylvania.
Dave asked OP if he could borrow the car and take Ann for a drive because she was getting too irritated with OP's kids. She replied that as long as they make it quick since she has to shop for food and dinner.
3 hours later, the father and daughter finally got back from their drive. Turns out, they had dinner all by themselves prompting OP to say, "You didn't think we wanted to eat too?"
"I don't think we asked," Ann brattily replied. After a few more days on the road with Ann's trashy attitude, OP finally had enough.
OP's kids, to whom the trip was planned for in the first place, were not enjoying themselves and were now telling OP they just wanted to go home. Dave also repeatedly told the two boys to keep quiet so as not to irritate his precious daughter.
OP has also completely didn't go to the places she originally planned for her kids because of Ann's temper tantrums. Plus, Dave was refusing to let OP drive her own car.
OP couldn't take it any longer and finally snapped. She told Dave to "pull the f*ck over" and when he finally did, OP drove them to the nearest car rental place.
She told them to get out of her car and they resumed their endless complaining. The teenager was whining she won't get in a car that has bed bugs while Dave was saying he didn't have enough money left for a rental having spent $1,500 on Ann during the last 4 days.
OP, like a queen, replied, "I don't believe I f*cking asked," echoing Ann's words a few days earlier. She drove off and left them 800 miles away from home.
It took Dave and Ann 4 days to get home having little to no funds left. Dave was forced to borrow money and now they are calling OP the c-word.
719917710You can read about OP's hellish trip below:
719917710So what do you think, is she the a**hole?
719917710Most of Reddit says she isn't and wished them a great vacation after they kicked the two extra baggages
Status-Pattern7539OP happily reported that the trip was fantastic without them
719917710, AcceptableCry7613Some think OP should have kicked them out a lot sooner than 4 days
KahurangiNZAnn was by far the biggest grouch on this otherwise precious trip
reunitedthrowawayIt could be she was acting out because she didn't want to come with in the first place
bigwilliesty1eHowever, at 17 years old, it's hard not to place the blame on her since she's old enough to know what exactly she's doing
shance-trashDave's enabling behavior and Ann's trashy attitude are enough reasons not to be in touch with them ever again
LittlestEchoIf Dave had no money left after 4 days, he was definitely counting on OP to finance the rest of the trip
ladybettyThank heavens, OP has a good head on her shoulders
Other_Appeal6415, 719917710He's a lot older than OP plus he's broke, too not to mention his unacceptable behavior. What a catch.
overseas-mangoThe way that 17-year-old Ann told off OP's much younger children was just the cherry on top of a sh*tty ice cream
SeliphraOP should treat the past three years of their relationship as a crash course on who-not-to-date and the vacation was the practical exam
iopeleOP and her kids had such a blast after kicking out Dave and Ann that they stayed a few days longer
kelsE17, 719917710OP's kids will definitely remember this trip...
kelsE17... they will also never forget how kickass their mom was!
soul_reddish, remindmeoftheOP was even too nice to the father and daughter for dropping them off at a car rental and not in the middle of nowhere
maggienetismOP did a great job cleaning out the trash as early as now
Few-Cookie9298That was such a jerk move. They knew OP and her kids needed food but they didn't even bother asking if they wanted some take-outs.
finitetime2It looks like Dave doesn't know how to parent and is just giving in to Ann's every whim to overcompensate
URSmarterThanILookOn the other hand, OP is actually an a**hole for leaving them with no means to go hom BUT her a**holish behavior is justified and correct.
meikello"Sometimes you get to be an a**hole," and in this case, it's perfectly fine. OP's initial misgivings about agreeing to take Ann and Dave on their trip were correct.
She will definitely listen to her instincts more if she's ever in the same situation. Lucky for her kids, they have a mom who can show them what it's like to stand up for themselves and the people they love.