Mom Elephant Helps Her Child Climb Over A Roadside Fence
Moms are always there for their children.

Elephants are known to be very caring parents. A protective mom elephant was caught on camera while helping her baby go over a roadside concrete barrier to join the rest of the herd.
After receiving help from its mom, the youngster managed to cross over, where it joined its older sibling, and then they all disappeared into the forest. The elephants were captured on film in India when crossing the roadside barrier proved to be too difficult for one of the babies.
While the mother and the older sibling quickly crossed over it, the smallest elephant, a few-month-old calf, was having a hard time. So mom went back to the other side and gently lifted her child with her trunk.
This video was shared by Anish Kata. He was riding a bicycle with some friends when he noticed the family of elephants.
Amazed by the “breathtaking sight,” he caught it on his smartphone. Even though he was very excited, he remained at a safe distance, not to bother the family.
This was wise since elephants are extremely protective of their babies, especially in the earliest stages of their lives. It could have easily interpreted people’s interest in them as dangerous.
Elephant moms are very protective

“What we saw was an adorable sight of the mother elephant lifting her baby with her trunk and helping the cute baby elephant cross over,” Anish Kata wrote in the video description. “What a beautiful thing to see in the morning.”
Their offspring remains with them 16 years on average

Elephants are very caring, and the whole herd protects the young ones from the day they are born. They huddle around the female to protect her from prowling hyenas while she gives birth. ... A mighty herd of elephants looks so gentle when they do it.
The newborn is helped to its feet by its mother and other females. Calves are able to stand on their own within minutes of birth.
The mother and other females help guide the calf to nurse almost immediately. The trunk of the calf is still short, so it uses its mouth to nurse.
Elephants take care of their young ones for 16 years on average - just about the same amount of time that human children rely on their parents.
No wonder that they take such good care of their babies - they carry them for nearly two years before giving birth.
Elephants know that their mothers know best — they are a matriarchal society. The oldest female elephant plays a significant role in controlling the social network of the herd and ensuring the survival of the family.
Unfortunately, this means that when the pack loses its mother-leader, it will face rough times.
They learn everything from their moms

Watch the video here:
Here are some other interesting facts about elephant moms:
A baby elephant adds about two pounds of body weight each day! Mother’s milk changes four times during the weaning process to meet the baby’s needs.
Elephants learn how to pick the best plants for eating, how to defend against predators, and how to navigate — from their mothers.
During times when water is scarce, the oldest female elephants can lead their herd hundreds of miles to water they visited years before — because they remember the locations.
Amazing, right?
