A Very Angry Note Was Left On This Moms Car After She Took Her Disabled Son to Target

This mom was out shopping with her four year old son when she was brutally accused.

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A Very Angry Note Was Left On This Moms Car After She Took Her Disabled Son to Target

Shopping is an extremely stressful task for mothers who are needing to take their kids out shopping. It makes it even harder when the trips to the shops are smack-bang in the middle of the holidays and there is already an insane rush in the shops.

It makes it even worse when your child is under the age of five and is hungry and probably needing a nap.

The aim is to shop as efficiently and quickly as possible- and for one mother this was her exact plan until she found an infuriating note on her car during the ordeal. 

Shopping is never an easy task for a busy mother, even when everything goes her way.


Were Christmas shopping today :) #christmasshopping #hamleys #christmasinseptember #outwiththehubster #amumdoingherbest

A post shared by Amumdoingherbest (@amumdoingherbest) on


One busy mother took her son to Target during the holidays and wanted the trip to be quick and easy.


We all have the shopping trips where all we want to do is get in and get out, especially when the crowds are mad from the holiday rush.


As the already distressed mom got back to her car, she quickly found something that added even more chaos to her day.


One of the most talked about problems when parking is using a space when you aren't entitled to it.


The parking space that every car guy or girl wants for there weekend car#cars#parking#handicapparking

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We all know how annoying it is when people don't follow the handicap rules and take advantage of them - but you're about to find out just how out of place someone was as they left an angry note on this poor mom's car.


Colleen Stice recently took a trip to Target with her four-year-old Rowan, which was already extremely chaotic.

Colleen Stice recently took a trip to Target with her four-year-old Rowan, which was already extremely chaotic.Facebook

However, Colleen was definitely not needing to come out from a stressful shopping trip to an infuriating and unnecessary note left on her car.

“We watched you pull into the handicap spot and get out carrying a toddler. You have no right to park in a handicap! It is for handicap people! Shame on you!” wrote the angry onlooker.

However, Colleen was definitely not needing to come out from a stressful shopping trip to an infuriating and unnecessary note left on her car.Facebook

Obviously and fairly upset, Colleen decided to turn to facebook to address the situation and allow people to see that you don't always know what someone's battles are just by looking at them.

Obviously and fairly upset, Colleen decided to turn to facebook to address the situation and allow people to see that you don't always know what someone's battles are just by looking at them.Facebook
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A lot of people have shared around Colleens post in support of the busy mom who was only trying to do the best for her son.

A lot of people have shared around Colleens post in support of the busy mom who was only trying to do the best for her son.Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook

Colleen's post is a very important reminder to all of us, that we should look out for each other and support people when they need it instead of bringing them down.

Children are definitely challenging and hard work. Chrissy Teigen recently went to Twitter after her rough day and asked parents to share what mean things their kids had said to them.
