Young Woman Decides To Drop Out As MOH In Her Sister’s Wedding Because She Went NC With The Family
Some people are incredibly entitled

Family relations can sometimes be so simple, but unfortunately, most often are not. You don't really know how sane and good your family is until you get to know others.
And that's what Reddit is for. It gives us insight into other families and their relationships.
And sometimes, these stories are so hard to read. You can't stop the empathy surge and you can't be a bystander anymore.
What started off as light reading turns into a heartbreaking experience. And we have one such story here.
Entitled people are awful. And when you have one in your family, it is even harder.
Throw in a traumatized adopted child, a wedding, and a repurposed room, and you have a story that can match any ancient Greek tragedy. The sad part is that it doesn't have to be one.
But, thanks to one entitled family member can ruin relationships even in the happiest family. The main goal of weddings should be to celebrate the love between two individuals.
However, they are typically rife with familial conflict. No celebration is exempt from uncomfortable situations, whether it's a drunk uncle, a demanding momzilla, or a cousin saying inappropriate things.
One Redditor asked “AITA for dropping out as MOH in my older sister’s wedding?” Her story is very sad and infuriating at the same time.
How can people act this way? We’ve tried to answer that question, but couldn’t.
Take a look and try it for yourself. Maybe you will have better luck.
OP asks:

She has two sisters and a brother. Her family also took in an 11-year-old family member. And the poor kid really needs help and a good family atmosphere.

OP's older sister Jenna has always been a difficult person. And she is not getting any better.

OP's parents want to adopt Rachel and want to give her old Jenna's room. She moved out a long time ago, and they are giving her money for a house down payment.

But Jenna doesn't want to give up her room, even though she doesn't live there anymore.

OP's parents didn't cave in and decided to proceed with the plan. They packed all of Jenna's things and remodeled her old room. Rachel loves it. She even started talking.

Jenna is furious. She went NC and even uninvited her parents from her wedding. So, the parents told her they were not paying for the wedding and not giving her money for the house down payment.

OP was supposed to be Jenna's MOH, but she dropped out. That made Jenna even madder.

Redditors said:

OP explained the situation a bit better:

Jenna wants a shrine:

She is 25

And she is so immature

It is not her room anymore

We kind of feel sorry for her husband...

Entitled people can ruin everything, and they do. They simply use every possible opportunity.
Instead of being happy for a child that's getting better, and trying to help, Jenna here focused on her unreasonable demands and made it her life mission.
Weddings are occasions to celebrate laughter, love, and life. But for some people, it's just about their laughter, love, and life.
