These Hilarious Mistakes Turned Out To Be Great Blessings

Sometimes the best things in life were mistakes.

  • Published in Funny
These Hilarious Mistakes Turned Out To Be Great Blessings

Nobody is perfect, that's something we all know, right? The extent of our imperfections, however, varies significantly by individual. For example, some of us have a tendency to make mistakes. Big mistakes, sure, but also lots of little mistakes. Wrong words, wrong pictures, wrong place, wrong time... c'est la vie.

It may or may not be a curse to be so mistake-ridden, but for the people whose stories you'll see today? Their inclination for fumbling in one way or another came with an unexpected perk: hilarity. At the end of the day, if you can't laugh with them... laugh at them. Or something like that!

1. If it smells good, it probably tastes good, right?

Not always.

1. If it smells good, it probably tastes good, right?tumblr


Sometimes good advice is not actually good at all.

2. WAIT A MINUTEtumblr

3. A slip of the tongue

I, too, feel confused about whether or not Australia actually exists.

3. A slip of the tonguetumblr

4. Just the leg.

I don't know what would be worse, tbh.

4. Just the leg.tumblr

5. "I've made mistakes."

If there was ever to be an official visual representation of mistake, this is it.

5. tumblr

6. A legend with a legacy.

I mean, this is a win, right?

6. A legend with a legacy.tumblr


No regrets.

7. ARSEtumblr

8. wasabi hotdog

Please, nobody get any ideas.

8. wasabi hotdogtumblr

9. Unexpectedly awesome

I don't even know what the hell that thing is but I like it.

9. Unexpectedly awesome tumblr


It's okay to LOL at this one.

10. AHAHAHAtumblr

11. slender spider

A slip of the sight.

11. slender spidertumblr

12. Delicious milk

This is why most humans are lactose intolerant.

12. Delicious milktumblr