Wedding Nightmare - No Food Or Drink Leads To Deleted Photos
![Wedding Nightmare - No Food Or Drink Leads To Deleted Photos](
This is one story that is indeed very intriguing
Belka and Strelka, also known as "Whitey" and "Squirrel," spent a day in space on Korabl-Sputnik 2 (Sputnik 5) on August 19, 1960, before making a successful return to Earth. They are the first higher living things to make it through an interplanetary journey.
A total of 42 mice, a grey bunny, two rats, flies, and other plants and fungi were also present. They all made it out alive.
They were the first living things from Earth to orbit the planet and return, and the first recovered since the United States sent fruit flies into space on a suborbital voyage on February 20, 1947. Pushok, a male dog who took part in numerous ground-based space projects but was never sent into space, had six puppies with Strelka later on.
In 1961, Nikita Khrushchev gave President John F. Kennedy a puppy by the name of Pushinka. The union of Pushinka and Charlie, a Kennedy dog, produced four puppies that JFK jokingly referred to as pupniks.
Children in the Midwest received Butterfly and Streaker, two of their puppies. White Tips and Blackie, the other two puppies, remained at the Kennedy residence on Squaw Island but were eventually donated to close family friends.
Even adversaries were brought together by their love of dogs, regardless of how severe the space race or the Cold War tensions became. This is one of those instances - the tale of Pushinka ("Fluffy"), a puppy raised by the Kennedy family, whose father was a famous cosmonaut dog named Strelka.
Belka and Strelka were both common dogs that were rescued from the streets; they were by no means purebreds of any kind. Their lives weren't easy; they were starving and freezing, so it was inevitable that they would adapt to new situations.
On the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., White House electrician and kennel manager Traphes Bryant sits with Kennedy family dog Pushinka and her puppies. The Kennedy's Welsh terrier Charlie is the father of the four puppies named Butterfly, White Tips, Blackie, and Streaker.
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