30 People Who Went Missing Share What Actually Happened To Them
Let's just say we're thankful they didn't end up in the forever missing persons list.
- Published in Interesting
If you've been lurking around the internet long enough, you've probably have come across at least one of those missing person cases like the cases of Amelia Earheart or those of the Sodder children. If not, you might have heard of them somewhere on the news or as a reference in a tv show or movie.
Strangely enough and for some messed up reason, a lot of us are interested in such stories. We'd even stay up late into the night browsing through online articles or watching documentaries about them.
There's just something about the drama of it and, of course, the mystery. With all of the human ingenuity we have, why haven't these cases been solved, right?
Then again, there are tons of reasons that people can vanish. Someone can be abducted, they can have a mental illness, they may have met an accident, or they may have chosen to actually disappear. There are many more and with all those reasons, you really have to dig deep to find them.
Thankfully though, not everyone ends up on the forever missing person list. Some of them actually do come back and live to tell the tale of their disappearance.
On Reddit, user Xenilovedon asked these very people, "People who went missing, what happened?" and they did not disappoint. They were more than willing to share their tales.
Keep reading to check out some of the most memorable ones.
1. Hope the dad learned a valuable lesson about not being too judgmental
magenta_thompson2. That is an ordeal that you have to spend your whole life recovering from
throwaway77819803. He got away with it in plain sight for 15 years
pedazzle4. We lost it at "I am now missing again"
[deleted]5. Good doggo saves the day!
Zp4rk6. That is really sad and hopefully, this guy found people in his life who really cares about him
Duthos7. At least she didn't get mad being sent home after traveling that mile
[deleted] [deleted]8. He might've won the game but he definitely didn't win any favors that night
CyberAly CyberAly9. That is not how you get your missing child to come home!
LadySmaug LadySmaug LadySmaug LadySmaug LadySmaug LadySmaug10. What an amazing plot twist though
RoughNights11. There's no responsibility to be accepted because it's all the adult's fault anyway
anschauung anschauung anschauung anschauung anschauung anschauung12. Oof that has got to hurt bud
cutestuffnum113. The locks are definitely a good choice
[deleted]14. Next time, just be sure to watch out for mom's calls, okay?
DkPhoenix DkPhoenix15. This is the kind of thing that makes you feel warm and fuzzy and reminds you just how much your parents love you
[deleted] [deleted]16. Always have some way to reach your kid
erik5556 erik555617. Wow, seven hours in the elevator in the same building. That's a pretty amazing feat actually.
thatguyfromnewyork thatguyfromnewyork18. How can the adults be this irresponsible?
[deleted] [deleted]19. Apparently, the rest of the house wasn't part of the search area
20. 12 days becoming a total mystery in one snap
TrashMinky TrashMinky21. Thankfully, she found people who really did care for her
Kokiri_Salia Kokiri_Salia22. Anything for the pets
level 1 stalepineapple23. When you're too good at hide and seek and end up missing
Mia_san_mia7224. It's just like in a tv show!
Versalite25. This is wholesome but still
MrsBeann26. The law abducted him
1-415-9WA-MBO0 1-415-9WA-MBO0 1-415-9WA-MBO027. They should have given him the sweets given that kind of dedication
fattmaverick28. Yeah, how about not forgetting about your kid ever again?
Radjis Radjis29. Seriously, please stop forgetting your kids
dalcowboiz30. It's a good thing the car owner of that car didn't just decide to drive off in the middle of the night
alibali780Going missing, especially when you're a kid, is a frightening thing and it can even be traumatizing. One perk when you're a kid though is that you might not even notice it.
When you're an adult, however, it's a completely different story. Thankfully, none of these guys did end up missing forever.
Do you know a missing story? Share it with us!