Extremely Misleading Packaging Designs That Are Just Pure Evil (15 Photos)

Satan? Is that you?

  • Published in Funny
Extremely Misleading Packaging Designs That Are Just Pure Evil (15 Photos)

Most companies generally aren't that honest with their consumers, they're ready to sell their products at whatever cost and they just don't care if you find their methods a little bit unorthodox and misleading. 

The marketing strategies that are used on us nowadays are just insane, these people have broken it down into a science, and we're all just lab rats in their experiment. Unfortunately, we all become very forgetful and forgiving when it comes to what we consume every single day, it's like we keep constantly hitting some kind of reset button and start all over again each time.

1. Oh hell no, that is just cruel

1. Oh hell no, that is just cruelReddit

2. A gift that was stolen from you in the first place

2. A gift that was stolen from you in the first placeReddit



4. Not too fast

4. Not too fastReddit

5. It's pretty much like saying "Just Kidding" afterwards

5. It's pretty much like saying Reddit

6. Even Satan wouldn't sink this low

6. Even Satan wouldn't sink this lowTwitter

7. Typical Chinese product

7. Typical Chinese productReddit

8. Bigger but smaller

8. Bigger but smallerImgur

9. It's an illusion

9. It's an illusionReddit

10. How Disappointing

10. How DisappointingTwitter

11. How to crush some kid's hopes and dreams

11. How to crush some kid's hopes and dreamsReddit

12. Pure, pure evil

12. Pure, pure evilReddit

13. How would you open that

13. How would you open thatReddit

14. They're just f**ing with people's heads at this point

14. They're just f**ing with people's heads at this pointReddit

15. "This Olive Oil I Bought Wasn't Even Cheap"

15. Reddit