50 Of The Funniest And Most Candid Posts From"Millennial Mom Confessions" On Instagram

Being a mom is wonderful, but tough

  • Published in Funny
50 Of The Funniest And Most Candid Posts From"Millennial Mom Confessions" On Instagram

When it comes to describing the experience of being a parent, many moms and dads will tell you that it's simply indescribable. The magic and wonder of raising a child is often beyond words, leaving many parents struggling to find the right way to articulate their feelings.

Unfortunately, there can also be a stigma attached to honestly venting about the messy and chaotic reality of having kids. It's as if admitting that parenting can be challenging is somehow taboo or a sign of weakness.

But the truth is, raising kids is hard work, and every parent deserves the chance to let off some steam and share their experiences with others who are going through the same thing. That's where the Instagram page dedicated to "Millennial Mom Confessions" comes in.

Here, millennial moms can vent their frustrations and share their most hilarious stories about the ups and downs of parenting. From sleepless nights to temper tantrums, these moms are not afraid to share the messy reality of raising a child.

But it's not all doom and gloom. For every tale of exhaustion, there are also moments of pure joy and laughter that come with having kids.

Kids have a way of providing hilarious commentary on even the most mundane things, and these millennial moms are here to share those moments of levity with the world.

Being a mom is wonderful, but tough

Being a mom is wonderful, but toughprostooleh (Freepik)

1. Smile vs poop

1. Smile vs poopmisterperry

2. The next one

2. The next onemomsconfession

3. Mom and toddler

3. Mom and toddlermomsconfession

4. Bedtime

4. Bedtimemomsconfession

5. Hey there

5. Hey theremomsconfession

6. Tricky

6. TrickyTragicAllyHere

7. What?

7. What?momsconfession

8. Barely a person

8. Barely a personmomsconfession

9. The exchange

9. The exchangedaviddoel

10. What is this? I don't remember bringing into the car

10. What is this? I don't remember bringing into the carmomsconfession

11. Thinking vs saying

11. Thinking vs sayingIDontSpeakWhine

12. Come again?

12. Come again?momsconfession

13. Losing weight

13. Losing weightLaComtesseJamie

14. Like an avocado

14. Like an avocadomomsconfession

15. Views change

15. Views changemomsconfession

16. OMG

16. OMGmomsconfession

17. Nope

17. Nopemomsconfession

18. That is a difficult task

18. That is a difficult taskmomsconfession

19. Oh, muddy shoes...

19. Oh, muddy shoes..._RobertSchultz

20. Getting it now

20. Getting it nowmomsconfession

21. Photos

21. Photosmomsconfession

22. Familiar...

22. Familiar...momsconfession

23. Start the time

23. Start the timemomsconfession

24. We are here

24. We are heremomsconfession

25. Be like gouda

25. Be like goudamomsconfession

26. So exciting

26. So excitingmomsconfession

27. Oh

27. Ohmomsconfession

28. This is gold

28. This is goldmomsconfession

29. A party bus

29. A party busmommeh_dearest

30. So sweet

30. So sweeteohiggins

31. Only the last 5 mins count

31. Only the last 5 mins countmomsconfession

32. Sounds about right

32. Sounds about rightmomsconfession

33. Yes, so true

33. Yes, so truemomsconfession

34. Aunt Marge

34. Aunt Margepopplars

35. Guess what

35. Guess whatmomsconfession

36. The truth

36. The truthmomsconfession

37. The next song

37. The next songmomsconfession

38. Calling a priest

38. Calling a priestmomsconfession

39. Designing a toddler

39. Designing a toddlerTragicAllyHere

40. Great

40. Greatmomsconfession

41. Okay, now show me

41. Okay, now show mekvanaren

42. Noooo

42. Noooomomsconfession

43. The things said

43. The things saidmomsconfession

44. Cooking

44. Cookingmomsconfession

45. Plans

45. Plansmomsconfession

46. Hopes

46. Hopesmomsconfession

47. Best i can do

47. Best i can dodeloisivete

48. Labor Day

48. Labor Daymomsconfession

49. Oblivious...

49. Oblivious...momsconfession

50. Why?

50. Why?momsconfession

These moms are awesome. They are experts at capturing the hilarious commentary that kids provide on even the most mundane things, and they're eager to share those moments of levity with the world.

Whether you're a parent yourself or just curious about the realities of raising kids in the modern age, these funny and honest confessions show you that you're not alone in the challenges and joys of parenting.
