31 Times When People Experienced A Mildly Annoying But Funny Thing That Is Surprisingly Relatable
Some days, we come across little things that isn’t supposed to affect us in anyway but oddly they actually do.
- Published in Funny
In a world where nothing seems to move anyone again, you may be shocked that there is always something that can still move you even though you thought it couldn’t. Some days, we come across little things that aren’t supposed to affect us in any way but oddly they actually do.
We are talking about things like going to withdraw money from an ATM and the ATM shows you a snippet of the cash, swallows it back, and still debits you. Or someone that actually used a spoon to eat apples... and let’s not even go to the part where one is paid according to their page.
All these and more are the mildly annoying but kind of funny things you’ll get to see as you read on. So, if you’ve ever had a little thing annoy you but when you look back at it, it's actually kind of funny and quirky too, then you’ll enjoy this list.
And even if you haven’t (which I highly doubt), you’ll still enjoy this potentially alarming list. But all this is why lists like these are great for one to take in as a type of somewhat annoying desensitization treatment.
And we hope you get something similar from it as well. So keep scrolling and enjoy!
1. Never have I imagined someone could do this
Reddit2. Apple and packaging
u/BeckburyWolf3. Someone knock some sense into him
u/DrRowdybush4. This cooktop is certainly missing the point
u/SockSoldier5. This is robbery and I'm suing
u/DeborahBaccus6. Something is definitely wrong somewhere
u/valonnyc7. Charlie bit my finger
u/ThaYungLegend8. This guy took over all the Tesla charging points
u/im_feeling_memeish9. It's the "superpower" part for me
u/Pinetree21810. Way to go, Google
u/DeitHellPork11. I shouldn't have arranged it in the first place
u/Cyrrain12. How is she going to sleep at night now?
u/harpewerewr23413. You can't get away from criticism
u/CarbonDioxideboy14. This building can eat my a***
u/Bereftneofiber2915. A sign that is supposed to encourage you to donate blood
u/nownumbah516. A clock in my class
u/HubKubBar17. Really?
u/chicoooooooo18. Someone remind me why I bought this again
u/afronzen19. This decal is upside down. Right?
u/Finger_Gunnz20. Tried to lift them up and boom...
u/TRocK8721. A dent of chocolate for you
u/ohshizzit22. My supposed free meal
23. Well, I think it's just you
24. Here's the top of Mount Everest
u/AnnemarieSultan25. Asked my parents why they removed my room door, and they said that privacy is not necessary
u/MadaraJaeger_6926. What did you do, Jeff?
u/noahwerwer34227. Netflix and chill
u/Spincycle2228. Tried taking $60 out but it got sucked in and I was debited
u/DeborahBaccus29. What an awesome revelation
30. YouTube is disabling dislikes count
31. Bring paid according to your age
Every once in a while, one should make a decent attempt not to allow all these little insignificant things to upset them. What if instead, we imagine a scenario where one just lets every little insignificant thing not upset them so they could focus their energy on not being agitated with the big things.
Anyways, drop your comments about this collection in the comments below.