Woman Vows To Protect Herself And Her Daughter From Further Mistreatment After 'Vacation From Hell' With Her MIL
The woman was being constantly fat-shamed by her MIL while her daughter received unfair treatment.

Ah, the legendary monster-in-law — she's determined to stay in the spotlight no matter what! You've attempted to set every healthy boundary you could think of just to prevent disagreements.
You can say she's an expert at revolving things around her desires, and she won't hesitate to let you know the precise way she wants things done. Meeting her standards can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded, as she firmly believes she's the sole authority on 'the right way.'
And watch out because she might even try to push you away from your spouse in her quest for dominance in your family life! Today's story is about a woman's experience with her JUSTNOMIL during a family vacation.
The original poster (OP) shares that she just returned from what she's dubbed 'the vacation from hell,' where her mother-in-law was utterly insufferable to her and her father-in-law. The MIL also clearly shows favoritism toward her sister-in-law's family.
She goes on to mention that her daughter was entirely overlooked, while her daughter's cousins received all the love and attention from the OP's mother-in-law. As a result, the OP decided not to subject her child to these disparities, as she wants to ensure her little one never feels unloved because of her difficult grandmother.
The OP also wants to put her MIL on an info diet.
The OP is so relieved to be back home after her family's 'vacation from hell.'
The bad experience all came from her JUSTNOMIL.

She describes the mistreatment and disparity her family experienced during the vacation.

After this vacation, the OP no longer wants to spend time with her MIL.

Things can only get worse, so it's better for the OP to start protecting herself and her daughter from her MIL.

Body shaming can scar people for life.

At least her husband listened to her.
Unfortunately, her husband listening and agreeing with her about the whole thing isn't enough. They shouldn't go on a vacation with the MIL next year.

The OP's decision is right. She needs to keep her child away from her MIL.

Other Redditors suggest going no contact with the MIL. An info diet isn't enough to deal with the situation.

Allowing the OP's daughter witness the MIL's unfair treatment will only hurt the little one.
She needs to help her husband understand that safeguarding their daughter involves keeping the girl away from the MIL.

The MIL is being passive aggressive, so the daughter won't be able to sense it yet.
But she will once she grows up.

The OP is right. She needs to protect her daughter from her vicious MIL.
Fortunately, the little one is still too young to truly understand what's happening around her. But that's also why the OP and her husband need to do something about it.
Unless the MIL realizes and corrects her behavior (which is unlikely), the OP's family shouldn't attend gatherings or go on vacations where the MIL is present. Protecting their daughter from the potential emotional damage should be the priority.
