Man Asks Advice On What To Do With MIL Who Is Staying For Them, As She Doesn't Contribute To Household In Any Way
"We don’t have the heart to ask her to leave because she has no where to go"

In a heartfelt plea for guidance, one Reddit user, OP (M35), shares the agonizing dilemma he and his long-time girlfriend face. Nearly a year ago, they graciously opened their home to OP's girlfriend's mother (F63) after her house was tragically consumed by fire, leaving her bereaved and homeless.
Despite their initial willingness to help, what began as a compassionate gesture has transformed into an unrelenting challenge.
The mother-in-law's extended stay has strained the couple's patience. Despite being on the brink of receiving insurance money, she displays no intention of leaving.
Struggling with her own health issues, she spends the majority of her time on their couch, offering no financial support or assistance with household chores. Their concerns deepened as the mother-in-law seldom left their home, leaving the couple with scarce privacy.
Their once peaceful abode has become a source of stress and frustration. As the months pass, OP and his girlfriend grapple with the ethical complexity of the situation.
Balancing their empathy for her traumatic experience with the overwhelming strain of their current situation, they find themselves at a breaking point. Their initial compassion has transformed into a pressing need for resolution.
Seeking advice from the online community, they hope for practical insights and empathetic perspectives to navigate this delicate family dilemma. Just take a look...
In December 2022, a long-term couple provided refuge to one partner's mom, who lost her home, boyfriend, and pets in a Christmas fire.

They offered her a place to stay after her hospital visit, but almost 10 months later, she's still with them.
She's waiting on an insurance payout, citing her pro bono lawyer's unavailability as the cause of delays.

She's been staying on their couch, rarely leaving the house, causing a lack of privacy, and contributing minimally to household chores, often engrossed in her phone or Switch.

Balancing compassion and their own needs, they're unsure whether to ask her to leave, considering her lack of alternatives and past trauma, and wondering if they're being taken advantage of.

Here's a TLDR:
Scroll down to see what people had to say!

Navigating insurance paperwork is a headache, but her policy's "alternative living coverage" might just be the silver lining to her "nowhere to go" situation.

No escape from it—time to bite the bullet and ask her about her plans. Crafting a solution and holding her accountable is the name of the game for a brighter future!

The girlfriend should step up, demand an insurance update, and be the driving force to move things forward because her mom might need that extra push.

Time for a lawyer-date! Schedule an appointment and show up in solidarity because tackling legal matters is much more fun with company.

Sleeping on a couch, her life has taken a tough turn.

Find a counselor who accepts state insurance and help her untangle life's knotty plot twists.

When put that way, it's less of a house fire and more of a "life got hit by a meteor" situation.

Sounds like a masterclass in the "fire drill" of life—friends and hotels are great, but new houses make for the best happy endings!

No insensitivity or being taken advantage of here; just a superhero of empathy in action. Get her in therapy and tackle insurance and legal hurdles together!

Facing trauma and the fear of being alone, she needs therapy and a nudge toward independence. Remind her there's so much left to savor in life!

Let the girlfriend manage the mother-daughter situation and assist her in finding an apartment. Avoid suggesting the mother should leave to keep the peace.

Shake those budget blues! Grief counseling, low-cost therapy, and Medicaid can be game-changers for her.

Don the insurance superhero cape and help her outsmart those lawyer time-warps. Her moving out could be one check away!

With insurance's "free vacation" offer, it's therapy time and then off to her own place. That's the recipe for a reboot!

Gather 'round for a family huddle! The current setup is no long-term winner, so let's brainstorm for comfier digs. It's time to master the "cozy-space strategy"!

Be her insurance superhero! Time to navigate the policy maze together and claim that victory.

Their journey shared vulnerably with the online community, unveiled the importance of asserting their needs while navigating compassionately through life's challenges. Through shared experiences, they found strength, learning that self-care is essential in fostering healthy relationships!
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