18 Midwestern Memes That Will Make You Say 'Ope!'

If you have ever lived in the Midwest of the US, then you'll appreciate these.

  • Published in Funny
18 Midwestern Memes That Will Make You Say 'Ope!'

Y'ello fellow Midwesterner, I hope you're ready to crack open a cold pop and take off your gym shoes after a long day trying not to drive on the expressway. If you've got some puppy chow, bust that bad boy out because it's time for us to gather around and laugh together about the Midwestern things that make us all go, ''ope!"

You know it's true, we have our own quirky way of saying and doing things that are truly unique to the region we were either born, raised, or lived long enough to absorb the way of life. Other people may think we're strange, but we know the really strange ones are those to the north, south, east, and west.

1. This crap takes FOREVER

1. This crap takes FOREVERmidwestern_ope

2. They're ready to have a good time.

2. They're ready to have a good time.imgur

3. Let's do the time warp again.

3. Let's do the time warp again.imgur

4. Gosh Darnit

4. Gosh Darnitimgur

5. It's adorable with the occasional dash of racism

5. It's adorable with the occasional dash of racismimgur

6. Two Words: Puppy Chow

6. Two Words: Puppy Chowmackenziem317

7. That's the GOOD one

7. That's the GOOD onetwitter

8. To be fair, okay, the wind was bad today.

8. To be fair, okay, the wind was bad today.midwestern_ope

9. I feel pleasantly attacked

9. I feel pleasantly attackedimgur

10. Blessed

10. Blessed imgur

11. It's impossible to hold it in

11. It's impossible to hold it inNGuggisberg

12. Have you ever HEARD an image?

12. Have you ever HEARD an image?imgur

13. It's distinct.

13. It's distinct.midwestern_ope

14. Very Flat

14. Very Flatimgur

15. It's funner than it looks

15. It's funner than it lookstumblr

16. Connected at the heart

16. Connected at the heartMakaylaUtecht

17. Delicious and not nutricious

17. Delicious and not nutriciousmackenziem317

18. That's the best part...

18. That's the best part...adamwren