Woman Chooses To Microwave A Shared Tub Of Ice Cream Because She Can't Wait For It To Thaw, Gets Told Off By Her Husband For Doing So
The ice cream was served at a dinner party, and the guests didn't like what she did too.

If you're excited to eat your ice cream, what's your way of thawing it? Other people already have set a time when they'll eat theirs.
So they take out their tub from the freezer and put it in the fridge for about half an hour before they eat it. With this method, the ice cream won't melt too quickly.
This is the best way because slowly thawing the ice cream also maintains its texture. Another good way is to cut it.
Do this by heating the knife using hot water. Cut out a block, and then place it on a surface to cut it into smaller pieces.
Some people microwave it. But if you ask some ice cream lovers about this method, they'd probably discourage you from doing it, just like most people from one Am I The A**hole (AITA) thread.
A woman with the username Hoticecreama asked the community for opinions over something she did with ice cream. She tells the users that it was served for a party.
She doesn't want to wait for it to thaw that's why she decided to microwave it. This did not sit well with her husband and in-laws.
She got told off for freezing the ice cream twice and got weird looks from her in-laws.
One Redditor's way of thawing ice cream is an issue with her husband.

The original poster (OP) hates waiting for ice cream to thaw naturally. That's why she used a microwave.

Some Redditors agree that hot water is the answer to her problem.

For these users, hot water does wonders even if the ice cream is still frozen.

Other people use the knife and hot water combo when the ice cream is nearly rock hard.

Some Redditors feel that what the OP is doing is an abomination.

It's still better to leave the ice cream to thaw.

A microwave oven isn't supposed to be used for ice.

Some think that microwaving ice cream can cause health problems.

But others won't believe the previous statement.

It baffles some Redditors how some people use microwave to soften their ice cream.

The OP shouldn't do this with shared ice cream.

Microwaving ice cream ruins it.

Can't OP wait for 5 minutes?

How water is still the way to go.

Microwaving makes the ice cream harder to thaw.

Some consider the OP's deed a pet peeve.

Indeed some people have strong opinions on the matter.

Some people are wondering if microwaving ice cream is a regional thing.

Other exaggerate about the harm that microwaved ice cream can bring.

It's complete fine if the tub of ice cream is only for the OP. But that isn't the case here.
It's not just her husband who'll eat the ice cream. Their guests would have a serving too.
She should've let it thaw for a few minutes then use hot water and a scoop or a knife. These methods should do the trick.
We hope the OP will only microwave her own ice cream next time
