30 Pictures Showing A Beautiful World Built By A Wildlife Photographer For Little Mice To Live And Thrive In
A wildlife photographer discovered a family of mice in his garden and he built a little world for them.

Simon Dell, otherwise called "Mr. Tographer," is a wide-life photographer. Simon found a group of mice by the brambles in his garden, and he set about making a small world and a spot for the mice to reside in.
He built them minimalistic homes in the style of hobbit houses and equipped them with all the necessities a small house ought to have, like tables, seats, and surprisingly small plates, bowls, and mugs, all created by hand from wood scraps. The mice, before long, moved into the little homes and began communicating with the little props Simon would make for them.
Gathering natural products, nuts, and berries from the neighborhood trees, the mice get an enormous pick of food to snack on every day, alongside certain peanuts and seeds as a treat. They even blend a little peanut butter in with the water to fill the small mugs, regularly calling it peanut butter lager.
Around evening time, Simon puts over a wire net cover to keep the small mice safe, and, by day, Simon spends numerous hours simply watching the mice going around or examining the things he crafted for them. Below are a portion of the huge number of pictures Simon has photographed of the mice throughout the years.
So, partake in this little mouse world and make sure to check out their Facebook page if you want to see some more.
#1 What stares me in the face when I open my door

#2 And they have a microphone

#3 Lots of flowers for the mice to stick their head into

#4 The mice's beautiful houses located on the hills

#5 A rocket house

#6 Say cheese...

#7 The mice have a network of tubes to stroll around safely

#8 The mouse with a talent for painting

#9 Giving the rider a push start

#10 Here's a mouse having a taste of the berries

#11 Here's a mouse trying to dig

#12 It's cool weather to for a boat ride

#13 Look at all those fruits

#14 How about we make a meal?

#15 Uhm, over here... empty plate!

#16 This mouse is making a small boat

#17 I want to blend in

#18 Now what do we make of this strange thing?

#19 Today is for delivering mails

#20 Okay, this one is dry

#21 Like my house?

#22 Who is in there? I'm gonna get you

#23 Building sand castles

#24 Here I come

#25 Let's do a little fishing, shall we?

#26 Let's take a little ride...

#27 Down the well we go...

#28 The mighty mouse is here for some weight lifting

#29 Beach time!

#30 So many toys to play with

All this began back in 2018, and from that point forward, they have had numerous generations of mice and have seen bunches of babies develop from small mice to grown-ups and, before long, become parents, even down to being grandparents.
What began as a single-mouse home quickly expanded into an entire mouse town as Simon built to ensure each mouse had a home or a place to live in and be sheltered from the rain.
More info: Facebook | Facebook
