29 People Who Found Ways To Turn Delicious Mexican Food Into Abominations

It's slander to label these as Mexican food

  • Published in Funny
29 People Who Found Ways To Turn Delicious Mexican Food Into Abominations

There are no certain rules when it comes to food. You’re free to experiment with it however you like and you might surprise yourself when you create a masterpiece.

But there are unsaid rules that, when broken, you’d get chucked out and away for your opinion. It’s even worst when you involve food or food combinations that are part of a great culture. 

It’s almost treated as a crime or at most, a dealbreaker. Imagine being on a date and you committed one of these ‘mistakes’ and soon enough the other person’s looking at you weirdly, already thinking how to end the night quickly.

It’s that bad. Mexican food is one of the best food in the world, the flavor, the texture, and the combinations, it all sounds like heaven.

It’s also tied to this deep and rich culture. So it’s no surprise when people are already accustomed to eating it a certain way. 

Still, there are people online that feel like they need to step back from any Mexican food unless they want a whole community coming after them and their tastebuds. If you think that’s extreme, imagine watching your beloved childhood food combined with the most unexpected thing you’d think of.

1. You’d think the worst part would be the mushroom with all these fruits but the guacamole takes it to a whole new low

1. You’d think the worst part would be the mushroom with all these fruits but the guacamole takes it to a whole new lowRobertorgan81

2. Do you mean the what-are-we-even-looking-at version?

2. Do you mean the what-are-we-even-looking-at version?3lbowMacar0ni

3. No seasoning and no sauce? No way.

3. No seasoning and no sauce? No way.nicolelynnejones

4. You know what, if it tastes the way it should then you’re 50% there

4. You know what, if it tastes the way it should then you’re 50% therezenyattatron

5. It looks like it belongs on a cake

5. It looks like it belongs on a cakeHorseCode

6. These quesadillas are closer to chips than anything

6. These quesadillas are closer to chips than anythingCommunistDancefloor

7. Despite whatever they teach you, you don’t have to put mayo on everything.

7. Despite whatever they teach you, you don’t have to put mayo on everything.meat_eternal

8. This person tried to make flan, but having it actually come out as flan is still in question

8. This person tried to make flan, but having it actually come out as flan is still in questionLynyrdForskinyrd

9. Elote with a pinch of cheese

9. Elote with a pinch of cheeseositopapasito

10. Empanadas stuffed with Spaghetti-Ohnos

10. Empanadas stuffed with Spaghetti-OhnosFyriel_Eostre

11. Deconstructed sounds like an excuse for a fail attempt

11. Deconstructed sounds like an excuse for a fail attemptOutrageous-Duty-2189

12. Could’ve sold it for the same price and labeled it for what it really is

12. Could’ve sold it for the same price and labeled it for what it really istouchmyfuckingcoffee

13. Just because it comes in a taco shell or tortilla doesn’t give it an excuse to be called that

13. Just because it comes in a taco shell or tortilla doesn’t give it an excuse to be called thatyik_yaking

14. Pasta, burrito, and rice paper feel like they don’t belong in one sentence.

14. Pasta, burrito, and rice paper feel like they don’t belong in one sentence.SJSharks65

15. If the end result isn’t as sad looking then you gotta trust the process

15. If the end result isn’t as sad looking then you gotta trust the process[deleted]

16. Ah the way the suburban ancestors used to do it

16. Ah the way the suburban ancestors used to do it[deleted]

17. There seems to be a disturbing amount of people who put cottage cheese where they don’t belong

17. There seems to be a disturbing amount of people who put cottage cheese where they don’t belongThal_Gal

18. When crazy shakes turns more insane

18. When crazy shakes turns more insaneohdearkhalana

19. Would you even recognize what kind of food it is when it’s that burnt?

19.  Would you even recognize what kind of food it is when it’s that burnt?msandovalsoto

20. Quesadillas offended everywhere

20. Quesadillas offended everywhereRytWing

21. Maybe they mispelled ‘Mystery meat’

21. Maybe they mispelled ‘Mystery meat’[deleted]

22. It takes great skill to take something great and make it into this

22. It takes great skill to take something great and make it into thiskarmaponine

23. 10 points for taste, 0 points for presentation

23. 10 points for taste, 0 points for presentationFlimsyTax

24. Enough to stir curiosity but not enough proof to dub it as Mexican food

24. Enough to stir curiosity but not enough proof to dub it as Mexican foodricocarnie

25. This is some next level false advertising

25. This is some next level false advertising15104

26. Could’ve used another extra minute to transfer it to a plate

26. Could’ve used another extra minute to transfer it to a platen1njast1ck

27. It’s a surprise Tamal but nobody said that the surprise was a good one

27. It’s a surprise Tamal but nobody said that the surprise was a good oneMarioMedina11

28. There are too many factors going on here that makes one big wrong thing

28. There are too many factors going on here that makes one big wrong thingBobWhite06

29. Ready to make you cry

29. Ready to make you crycrisprkreme

It’s still your choice how you make and eat your food but you better call it what it is. Not like these people who did the minimum or beyond imaginable thing and dubbed it as Mexican food.

People might have been offended and others disgusted. Some might feel indifferent over these but for sure a lot of people need to taste the real thing so they’ll know how it’s supposed to be.
