Mexican Artist Has Given Disney Princesses A Mexican Makeover And They're Spicy

"It took me almost 2 months doing this project "Princesas a la Mexicana".

  • Published in Disney
Mexican Artist Has Given Disney Princesses A Mexican Makeover And They're Spicy

Check out these beautiful and unique illustrations by a Mexcian artist Aida Sofia Barba Flores. Flores is a freelance illustrator and has been influencing people with her beautiful art on her DevianArt for the last 16 years.

Hailing from Guadalajara, Mexico, Flores is an Illustrator, character designer, 2D build, and cleanup artist. These illustrations that she has made of the Disney princesses are unique from the other fan art because she has given them a Mexican makeover.

Explaining these illustrations she said, "It took me almost 2 months doing this project "Princesas a la Mexicana": Disney princesses with traditional Mexican dresses, I love how they turned."

She further adds, "I didn’t want them to be Disney princesses with Mexican costumes, so I changed their skin, hair, or eyes colors, that way they will look more authentic." How cool is that?!

You can check out more of her beautiful art here: DeviantArt Behance

1. Ariel_Nayarit

1. Ariel_NayaritKimi-mo

2. Pocahontas_Yucatan

2. Pocahontas_YucatanKimi-mo

3. Mulan_Sinaloa

3. Mulan_SinaloaKimi-mo

4. Modern witch

4. Modern witchKimi-mo

5. Rapunzel_Michoacan

5. Rapunzel_MichoacanKimi-mo

6. Elsa_Morelos

6. Elsa_MorelosKimi-mo

7. Underwater

7. UnderwaterKimi-mo

8. Aurora_Jalisco

8. Aurora_JaliscoKimi-mo

9. Tiana_Oaxaca

9. Tiana_OaxacaKimi-mo

10. Frozen Heart

10. Frozen HeartKimi-mo

11. Fruit Witch: Guava/Guayaba

Enjoy some more of Flores's adorable illustrations.

11. Fruit Witch: Guava/GuayabaKimi-mo

12. Cinderella_san luis potosi

12. Cinderella_san luis potosiKimi-mo

13. Anna_Puebla

13. Anna_PueblaKimi-mo

14. Jasmine_Sonora

14. Jasmine_SonoraKimi-mo

15. Belle_chiapas

15. Belle_chiapasKimi-mo

16. Snow White_veracurz

16. Snow White_veracurzKimi-mo

17. Tangled lights

17. Tangled lightsKimi-mo