Young Woman Furious Seeing Her Parents Back Together After Messy Divorce That Destroyed Her Mentally
"My parents divorce destroyed my life and they acted very cavalier about it."

Divorce is a deeply personal and often agonizing decision for any couple, and when a child is involved, the emotional toll amplifies manifold. When parents divorce, they may be seeking personal liberation or a fresh start, but children typically see their world collapsing around them.
The emotional and psychological impact on the child can be significant, sometimes leading to long-term trauma, as they are often caught in the crossfire of arguments, custody battles, and general emotional upheaval.
If the divorced parents later decide to reunite, it can create a wave of confusion and even resentment in the child's mind. After navigating the complexities and emotional difficulties of a divorce, the child may have created coping mechanisms, adapted to new living situations, or even accepted the separation as a less painful reality compared to the constant tension and fights that preceded it.
To then witness a parental reunion is a shock to the system. The walls that the child built to emotionally insulate themselves have to be hastily deconstructed, but often, the scars remain.
Parents might be jubilant at their rekindled love and expect their children to share in their happiness. Yet, they may overlook the turbulence this causes in the child's life, who may feel as though they are living on an emotional seesaw.
It's not that children don't want their parents to be happy or together; rather, the sequence of destabilizing events may cause emotional and psychological disorientation. The parents, enveloped in their rediscovered love, may underestimate this.
That said, just take a look at this particular Reddit post...
Here's the post in question:

At 20, OP is the lone child of parents who split when she was 14.
The divorce started amicable but soured, using her to inflict pain, leaving her with depression, harmful habits, and time in a mental health facility. Now, on the mend, she grapples with the lasting effects of the ordeal.

After discovering her parents' unexpected reconciliation during a Memorial Day visit, she's conflicted by their casual approach to the divorce that deeply affected her.
Amidst her own emotional turmoil, she questions whether she's being unreasonable for feeling that they don't truly understand the impact of their actions.

Here's what people have to say:

Was the angry voicemail uncalled for?

True, emotions are a blessing and a curse!

Technicalities, technicalities.

Are they really?

Here's a clarification after all those comments:

OP knows what she has gone through. Period!

All that trauma for nothing!

Using OP as a divorce pawn and then dropping the "we're back" bomb?

Their kid wasn't a weapon, and she didn't deserve having to go through all that.

Counseling and therapy seems like a good idea here...

What OP feels is completely valid! All that trauma and for what?

Poor OP, caught between their parents' decisions in life!

"There's nothing wrong with being upset over something."

It will take years to unravel all of OP's trauma!

NGL, sounds like OP's life is just one big boomerang.

What kind of reaction did they even expect anyway?

They turned her into a human chess piece and then tried to rewrite the rules.

Props to OP for leaving immediately.

Right? OP deserves some peace in their life for once!

It sucks when they completely overlook the trauma they have caused and just expect OP to be okay with it.

One substantial conversation can settle these all down.

Not cool at all.

Forgiveness might just be the key here.

We can't just forget all that trauma! Right, OP?

"That kind of history doesn't go away no matter how much love is there."

They need to hear OP's side out!

Deal with it privately.

While parents certainly have the right to make decisions about their relationships, they also have a responsibility to comprehend and mitigate the impact of those choices on their children. When adults decide to part ways and then reconcile, they must handle the situation with extreme care and sensitivity, understanding that their child's emotions are not a light switch to be flicked on and off according to their convenience.
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