Tattoo Artists Of Reddit Share The Most Messed Up Designs People Have Decided To Permanently Ink On Their Bodies

"... Wile. E Coyote's arm poking out of a dude's butt, holding a sign that said 'help'.

Tattoo Artists Of Reddit Share The Most Messed Up Designs People Have Decided To Permanently Ink On Their Bodies

Tattoos are either carefully curated, well-thought-out body art pieces or they are spur of the moment decisions you may or may not regret later on. This is a dichotomy that is mostly true.

Getting a tattoo should be a decision anybody should take lightly. Those lower back butterfly tattoos will forever be branded on your skin and you should really sleep on them before getting one.

You can always get those tattoos lasered off for sure, but that procedure not only costs a lot of money, it also hurts according to those who've done it. Plus, getting those tattoos will cost you a good chunk of money.

There are some rules people should keep in mind before getting inked. Rule number one: think twice before getting a tattoo from a friend who's just starting unless you absolutely trust their artistry, even then think about it carefully.

Second, don't get a tattoo while you're drunk; it might seem like a good idea but sober you will most definitely disagree. Third, only get tattoos from licensed artists!

We can repeat these common-sense warnings all the time but humans tend to be humans and get sh*tty tattoos anyway. These poor decisions led to a very interesting Q&A on Reddit.

Tattoo artists were asked what was the most effed-up thing they tattooed on someone and boy, oh boy did we get some ~ interesting ~ answers. Tattoos with unfortunate typos are mild compared to these ones.

The question that brought us down this rabbit hole:

The question that brought us down this rabbit hole:carlden3

1. It's funny enough to not be considered awful

1.  It's funny enough to not be considered awfulGoongalagooo

2. Can't you just hear their laughter when they see this tattoo?

2. Can't you just hear their laughter when they see this tattoo?Vote_4_Cthulhu

3. He'd rat what?

3. He'd rat what?whycantifindmyname

4. Satan's next door neighbor

4. Satan's next door neighborCemeterywind666

5. A basic tattoo but make it cowboy

5. A basic tattoo but make it cowboyCurly_su3

6. Is that a part of the 12-step program?

6. Is that a part of the 12-step program?jessica4994

7. Of course Billy Jack liked it

7. Of course Billy Jack liked itwillieyobslayer willieyobslayer

8. Savage is so well-loved

8. Savage is so well-lovedt0nyage

9. What was his name and on which letter did he stop?

9. What was his name and on which letter did he stop?Luke-__-

10. I'm pretty sure this counts as workplace harassment

10. I'm pretty sure this counts as workplace harassmentKypriot

11. This is just unfortunate, he could have just graffitied that on her house instead of on his forehead

11. This is just unfortunate, he could have just graffitied that on her house instead of on his foreheadtjohnboy tjohnboy

12. She wasn't complete with her transformation

12. She wasn't complete with her transformationzombieriot

13. Can he twist that way to see them at least?

13. Can he twist that way to see them at least?_simonstre_

14. He's also in jail or rehab right? RIGHT?

14. He's also in jail or rehab right? RIGHT?FuckYeahPhotography

15. That would be a no

15. That would be a noPseudOrchid

16. Why was it... blue?

16. Why was it... blue?merryjoanna merryjoanna

17. Can it swallow a whole egg?

17. Can it swallow a whole egg?zygomelonm

18. Someone else commented: "stairway to Kevin"

18. Someone else commented: Darqologist, poopellar

19. Tattoo placement and proportion should always, always be a factor before getting inked

19. Tattoo placement and proportion should always, always be a factor before getting inkedReflection_Hunter

20. The lesson we learned from this is you should pick your friends better

20. The lesson we learned from this is you should pick your friends betterastrogeeknerd

21. Imagine going to med school for a decade and this is how your patients greet you

21. Imagine going to med school for a decade and this is how your patients greet you2marcusdc

22. This was not on the Disney adaptation

22. This was not on the Disney adaptationjhpeaks

23. Was all of this on one person?

23. Was all of this on one person?Loctusofsmorgasbord

24. It's like getting a dreamcatcher tattooed on you

24. It's like getting a dreamcatcher tattooed on youHoonArt

25. We never intended to thank him in the first place

25. We never intended to thank him in the first placeMGoodacre

26. We love a person with a great sense of humor

26. We love a person with a great sense of humorLiversteeg

27. Rumor has it, stamps are being made of this exact same tattoo

27. Rumor has it, stamps are being made of this exact same tattoostedews

28. And that was the last time anybody has ever seen him naked

28. And that was the last time anybody has ever seen him nakedm1racle

29. Two things he's passionate about

29. Two things he's passionate aboutLowThreadCountSheets

30. That's something I didn't think I'd read today

30. That's something I didn't think I'd read todaysal-t_brgr

31. Pretty sure this is offensive

31. Pretty sure this is offensiveASithLordWannabe

32. I wish I can unread this

32. I wish I can unread thissacr1ficialsl0th

33. You shouldn't take jokes this far

33. You shouldn't take jokes this farwillowdd

34. She's a buffet

34. She's a buffetPretendThisIsMyName

35. He's trying to spread awareness about the constitution

35. He's trying to spread awareness about the constitutionFunCalendar2769

Well, those are lovely images you can picture before going to bed. Tattoos are personal and at the end of the day, your body, your choice.

However, and this is a big however if your tattoo artist tells you to your face that you should think twice about it, you definitely should listen before you regret your tattoo and you're out a thousand bucks.
