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"This would be like ignoring a friend trying to talk to me"
Cats have many entertaining and cute little characteristics. Despite the greatest efforts of both parties, there are instances when the ways they attempt to communicate with us are difficult for humans to understand.
Meowing back when you speak to them is one way that many cats attempt to "talk" to you. While some cats don't seem to genuinely enjoy talking to you, others do.
If you meow at other cats, a lot of them will meow back at you as well. If you're a cat owner, you've undoubtedly meowed at your feline at least once in an attempt to speak to them in their original tongue.
It might have succeeded a couple of times because they answered, but what makes cats meow back at you, though? These little cats are incredibly intelligent, and you don't even need to own one of the smartest breeds to understand it.
Every cat owner knows that every pet has a unique personality and that you can always learn something new from them. Cats may communicate in a number of ways, using both spoken and non-spoken language.
Meowing is perhaps the simplest way for your cat to communicate with you. OP's cat meows a lot and also expects a response to this meowing.
The OP always meows when the cat does, and they have conversations where they meow at each other, but the partner hates it. Keep scrolling and check out the full story below.
My partner says the sound is annoying and that it takes less of me to stop than it takes for them to ignore the sound.
This is your Cat Overlords preferred method of communication, there will serious bites and baps if you don't comply, plus the Cat Overlord will probably banish you to the floor or Outsides for your transgressions, only allowing you house access when they need an opposable thumb.
Buy the partner some headphones and he can chill in meowy peace.
There’s a difference between talking to a cat and meowing at it but some Redditors say that meowing or barking all the time would be be annoying. However, they believe the cat and his owner understand each other so the partner should let them be.
The OP was declared not the AH and you can leave your verdict about the story in the comments section below.