30+ Illustrations That Accurately Depict The Hidden Experiences Of Mental Illness
People all over the world put up a brave fight against mental illness and this is what they think about most of the time.
There is a wide range of mental health issues that people worldwide face in today's society. Mental health conditions can be a severe problem for those who suffer from them, and it affects the lives not only of the sufferers but also their families.
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness throughout the world, and it is estimated that one in 13 persons will suffer an anxiety disorder at some time in life. Persons with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) display excessive anxiety or worry, most days for at least 6 months, about several events or activities.
Usually, the person finds it difficult to control the worry. There are various types of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects more than 121 million people worldwide. Depression occurs in all parts of the world, regardless of culture or economic status, and is among the leading causes of disability worldwide.
Depression makes it harder to focus on daily tasks and activities and is characterized by intense sadness, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, and thoughts about death or suicide. Affective disorders are a heterogeneous group of illnesses that share the primary symptom, alteration in mood.
Psychotic disorders are characterized by distorted reality that causes people to misinterpret their surroundings in unusual ways. People with depression have varying levels of impaired social interaction with others.
This artist named Sow Ay has been fighting against mental illness for as long as he can remember. He turned his thoughts into art and let the world know what it feels like to be a victim of mental illness.
1. People with mental illness use their humor to hide their depression.
2. The constant thoughts of death keep coming to their mind.
3. The mood swings are extreme and is the worst thing ever.
4. Anxiety turns even the good moments into bad ones.
5. The feeling of never waking again becomes too strong.
6. People with depression just look fine from the outside but its just the opposite from inside.
7. They constantly shower others with love because they expect the same.
8. Just when things seem to be a little fine, anxiety attacks!
9. The weight of "just be positive" is too much to carry.
10. Everything seems to be negative around them, well sometimes it really can be!
11. Self harm gives pleasure to the people with mental illness.
12. The battle of depression and anxiety.
13. That one person who understands you and is always there for you is a real blessing.
14. Crying always helps!
15. Doing the daily normal tasks seem to be difficult.
16. It feels great when people don't notice the multi personality within you.
17. People with mental illness are never alone, anxiety is their forever partner!
18. The ultimate wish of not having to wake up and play pretend of being fine.
19. Anxiety is a real life devil.
20. The feeling to dying remains constant throughout the process.
21. The feeling of failure causes so much anxiety that coming out of depression becomes impossible!
22. They want real friends but all they get is de-fren-ssion!
23. Always surrounded by dark thoughts!
24. Falling flat to the ground is a thing for depressed people.
25. Due to anxiety all they have are internet friends whom they do not have to meet irl.
26. The best therapist is the one who finds fault in us and does not blame the world for our behaviour.
27. Horrid and dark dreams all night, every night!
28. The severe panic attacks are true pain and creates so much self doubt!
29. The thought of surviving is the maximum they can think of.
30. Sometimes anxiety goes on vacations but it always comes back!
31. Sometimes we don't know what we say or mean.
32. Always cribbing and venting to our own self.
33. The path is more difficult that what it seems.
34. Since the people with depression cant really help themselves, they wait for someone else to help them.
35. Some people give great comebacks to anxiety and depression by making out of it alive.
36. When anxiety and depression become friends they will definitely corner the person.
37. They cannot even remember how many plan they would have cancelled just to stay home alone.
38. People with depression only want to win "forever sleep" in their life!
It is not easy to fix mental health issues with medicines or physical work. Individuals who have a mental illness feel powerless over their own lives and constantly fight with depression.
Share this story with all your loved ones and tell them to be a little more kind and patient with everyone they have to deal with. We do not know who might be battling their own thought inside their mind.