10 Memes You’ll Totally Get If You Are An Introvert

In this age of lockdowns and quarantines, aren't we are all introverts?

  • Published in Funny
10 Memes You’ll Totally Get If You Are An Introvert

It's not easy being an introvert, especially in the modern world, where social skills and the way other people see us is very important. The introverts belong to a very special club.

The one that never meets or has any structure because, obviously, none of them wants to be around people. But that does not change the fact they are full of empathy and understanding for each other.

But if you think about it, they were the only ones prepared for this social distancing stuff. In a way, they are like the Doomsday Preppers…

We have selected some of the best introvert memes, and we know you will love them.

1. Someone has big plans for tonight.

I think this is an accountant.

1. Someone has big plans for tonight.someecards

2. Energy level low.

Keep ignoring.

2. Energy level low.someecards

3. Please stop.

I am tired of saying “Yes”

3. Please stop. someecards

4. Maybe next time you’ll get it right.

Yeah, I said coleslaw, but I actually meant burger.

4. Maybe next time you’ll get it right.someecards

5. Big plans.

This is actually ambiguous. Adult movie?

5. Big plans. someecards

6. Keep trying.

Maybe the fear will go away…

6. Keep trying.  someecards

7. Don’t. Just don’t….

7. Don’t. Just don’t….someecards

8. I just want to be alone…

Come and get me if you can.

8. I just want to be alone… someecards

9. Clinging.

Don’t leave me…

9. Clinging. boredpanda

10. It looks like it.

But It proves I was right all along.

10. It looks like it.IntrovertDailyMemes