Woman Speaks Out About How Becoming A Meme Ruined Her Life

It's not all fun and games in the meme world.

Woman Speaks Out About How Becoming A Meme Ruined Her Life

Becoming a meme seems like it would be pretty hilarious. Many people even spend a great deal of their time attempting to become a meme for the internet fame that might follow and the potential to make a quick buck or even a career out of that initial fame.

But what people don't see is what it does to your real life outside of the internet, and according to this story it can be destructive and depressing, far out weighing the initial benefits. Heidi Yeh is a Taiwanese model who was paid to be part of an ad for a plastic surgery clinic.

What she didn't know is that the ad would be a fairly dark piece of humor. This is the original ad.

This translates to "The only thing you'll ever have to worry about is how to explain it to the kids".

This translates to Wereblog

Unfortunately this ad was used for an online campaign and after someone made a meme out of it it spread like wild fire.


I get it. It's kinda funny, it's pretty dark. Not too harmful though. Unfortunately for Yeh, it completely derailed her promising modelling career as she was immediately receiving a lot less work from agencies in Taiwan.

Yeh is now actually suing the original company who made the ad for a breach of contract for using the ad in an online campaign, and also suing media outlets who have spread the photo.

She spoke to the BBC about how it has changed her life in a negative way here.
