50 Absolutely Hilarious Posts On Marriage And Parenting You Don't Want To Miss
People will judge you so go ahead and be happy. No one cares.
- Published in Funny
If marriage is a joke, parenting is the after-effect. Let's just say you won't get out alive.
That said, different people have different opinions about marriage and different ways to parent their kids. But as humans go, we judge people during our pastimes.
Whether you're married or a parent, everyone deserves a break, and the only way to take that much-deserved break is by sharing and laughing your problems out!
Meet Adam and Danielle, a couple from New Jersey who founded Marriage & Martinis, an online project that's dedicated to sharing hilarious content about marriage and parenting.
The memes and jokes they post are funny, but paint an accurate picture of what it's like being married and/or being a parent! People who have no idea what it's like to be married and/or be a parent have no idea what's about to hit them should they go that route.
People see kids and go "aww" and "so adorable", but people who share the same roof with those kids know exactly how adorable it is when they get up in the middle of the night wanting to poop.
Yeah, exactly. Not an "aww" or "so adorable" moment when your eyes are glued shut, but your kid won't stop asking you about where cheese comes from.
Here's more for your delight.
1. I'd go there.
MaryHeglar2. Not showing compassion for someone who's not feeling well isn't equality.
LadyBrienne13. We all need this mentality.
natvan4. I'll be adopting this phrase too.
marriageandmartinis5. Insta-Gran, anyone? Hmm.
brandontrusso6. It's about saving whatever's left of dignity.
SamanthaaaReece7. Aww, this is adorable.
not_thenanny8. Sometimes you need hugs from someone who won't judge.
MarriageMartini9. This is truly the best way to talk to your kids.
marriageandmartinis10. Wonder if she accompanied him...
authorabbyjim11. Yes, thank you.
MarriageMartini12. Hit me right in the feels.
marriageandmartinis13. ROFL.
marriageandmartinis14. This is called food priorities. Also it's voila.
marriageandmartinis15. Aww, it's cute.
marriageandmartinis16. Um. How else do you think they're talking to you? smh.
marriageandmartinis17. ROFL.
marriageandmartinis18. LOL.
marriageandmartinis19. I've been getting ready to cook dinner for the past two weeks.
AbbyHasIssues20. Didn't know you could be awake and snore.
marriageandmartinis21. Um.
marriageandmartinis22. That's a bold kid.
FleurdeNope23. How about we trade places, dear? I'll take your place, you take mine.
AuthorAbbyJim24. Uh oh.
marriageandmartinis25. Oh boy, the cheese. It's haunting every parent on the planet.
marriageandmartinis26. Good point, only I don't know how to respond.
marriageandmartinis27. ROFL.
marriageandmartinis28. Aww! Adorable.
boomer_bass_29. This is so true it actually hurts.
marriageandmartinis30. Um, okay.
MarriageMartini31. ROFL.
thedad32. That is, indeed, the best cup of coffee.
marriageandmartinis33. The power of being a parent.
marriageandmartinis34. ROFL.
marriageandmartinis35. This is hilarious. LOL
marriageandmartinis36. Oh good, mission accomplished.
marriageandmartinis37. There's nothing wrong with a good one-sided conversation.
marriageandmartinis38. ROFL.
marriageandmartinis39. Ah, the classic after you've messed up.
marriageandmartinis40. Right on, especially #1. It's important.
Parkerlawyer41. Those are rare friends, tbh.
marriageandmartinis42. LMAO.
marriageandmartinis43. I'd be scared too.
marriageandmartinis44. you forgot a week to shop without having to rush back home.
marriageandmartinis45. Exactly.
marriageandmartinis46. Oh boy. You have it tough.
marriageandmartinis47. Well played, son. Well played.
marriageandmartinis48. This is so accurate it makes me mad.
marriageandmartinis49. Thank you for the information.
marriageandmartinis50. ROFL.
marriageandmartinisIn Summary...
No matter how difficult life gets after marriage and after becoming parents, we wouldn't trade it for anything else on the planet! It's a temporary phase because soon children grow up and partners settle down, right?
Either way, we're glad to have stumbled upon these hilarious jokes and memes. We all need a hearty laugh at some point in our lives.
Since sharing is caring, go ahead and share this post with your loved ones who need a break!